evaporating atmosphere

Editor’s note: This week we’re in Reykjavik, Iceland at the Extreme Solar Systems (ExSS) IV meeting. Follow along to catch some of the latest news from the field of exoplanet research!

Session 10: Atmospheres I

How much do exoplanet scientists care about planet atmospheres? So much that, this morning, we kicked off with the first of three sessions on atmospheres. Welcome to Day 4 of ExSS!

To prepare to interpret images of distant, rocky worlds, we can start by observing nearby worlds — Jupiter’s Galilean moons — as though they were exoplanets. Laura Mayorga (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) presented lessons learned from analyzing more than 5,000 images of the Galilean moons taken by the Cassini probe, exploring how properties like the angle of the Sun’s illumination affect our interpretation of observations.

atmospheric erosion

Artist’s impression of a star’s high-energy radiation evaporating the atmosphere of its planet. [NASA’s Goddard SFC]

Ruth Murray-Clay (UC Santa Cruz) demonstrated that we can support theoretical models of photoevaporation — the erosion of a planet’s atmosphere by energetic stellar radiation — with observations, by exploring planet transits in a specific wavelength: Hα (656 nm). If a planet is receiving large ionizing fluxes from its host star, the escaping atmosphere of the planet should show strong Hα absorption signatures.

We’ve discovered a wealth of worlds that fall between Earth and Neptune in size — but these planets can be ice giants, water worlds, or even primarily rocky. Björn Benneke (Montreal) demonstrated that we may be able to use observations of sub-Neptune atmospheres to help characterize the planets: atmospheric metallicity can tell us about how the planet formed and subsequently accreted solids.

Maggie Thompson

Maggie Thompson’s presentation came with a requisite selfie with her lab experiment setup! [AAS Nova/Maggie Thompson]

What can we learn about super-Earth atmospheres from meteorites? Some super-Earths are thought to form their atmospheres through outgassing during accretion. Since solar-system planets are thought to have formed from material analogous to meteorites, Maggie Thompson (UC Santa Cruz) uses laboratory experiments to heat up meteorites and study their outgassing, thereby exploring the possible compositions of super-Earth atmospheres.

Time for the perennial question: But what about magnetic fields? Though it’s believed that magnetic fields should have a significant impact on planet atmospheres, we’ve struggled to obtain observations to confirm this. Wilson Cauley (UC Boulder) reported on the derivation of the magnetic fields of a small sample of hot Jupiters using observations of the interactions between these giants and their host stars.

The “radius valley” describes a dearth of small, short-period planets discovered with radii between roughly 1.5 and 2 Earth radii — a result that could be explained by photoevaporation of planet atmospheres. Leslie Rogers (U Chicago) presented theoretical calculations that suggests that planets that lie near the upper edge of this valley may become enhanced in helium and heavier elements after several billion years of hydrogen mass loss due to atmospheric escape.

Session 11: Population Statistics and Mass-Radius Relations

As of 21 August 2019, we’ve observed 4,043 confirmed exoplanets — with many more still in the pipeline. What can we learn from the broader statistics of observed exoplanet populations? Today’s late-morning session walks us through a few lessons.

planet distribution

The distribution of masses vs. locations for giant planets on long-period orbits, according to Benjamin Fulton’s work. Click to enlarge. [AAS Nova/Benjamin Fulton]

We’ve heard a lot this week about how wide-orbit companions can influence the architecture of exoplanet systems. But how frequent are long-period giant planets? Benjamin Fulton (Caltech/IPAC) used 35,000 archival radial-velocity measurements to build a picture of where long-period giant planets lie, and how their masses and eccentricities are distributed.

At this point, there are around 60 planets for which we have not only radius measurements, but also well-measured masses. Dave Latham (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) provided a summary of what we’ve learned exploring the relation between these planets’ masses and radii — including evidence that most planets smaller than about 1.8 Earth radii are similar to our solar system’s terrestrial planets in their bulk densities.

Remember TRAPPIST-1? This system was discovered in 2017 and immediately made headlines for its seven temperate, terrestrial planets, many of which lie in the star’s habitable zone. Since this sole discovery, however, the TRAPPIST telescope hasn’t made any further transiting-planet detections. Was TRAPPIST-1 just dumb luck? Didier Queloz (Cambridge) argued TRAPPIST’s subsequent non-detections allow us to make inferences about the likely occurrence rate of planets like TRAPPIST-1b.

DSHARP results

A small subset of the DSHARP protoplanetary disks, showing a variety of gaps and rings possibly generated by planets. [DSHARP]

It’s thought that interstellar asteroids like ‘Oumuamua might be ejected from their systems due to kicks from wide-orbit, massive planets — but the inferred occurrence rates of ‘Oumuamua-like bodies would require an enormous population of hidden long-period giant planets (1011 of them!). Intriguingly, Malena Rice (Yale) demonstrated that such a population is consistent with another observation: the gaps in protoplanetary disks observed in the DSHARP survey.

Do we see any interesting patterns in Kepler populations with four or more transiting planets? The final three talks of this session beautifully illustrated the process of scientific debate, as Lauren Weiss (Hawaii), Wei Zhu (CITA), and Yanqin Wu (Toronto) all presented their differing answers to this question.

  • peas in a pod

    Do you see any patterns in the Kepler multi-planet data? Weiss highlights “peas in a pod” systems. Click to enlarge. [AAS Nova/Lauren Weiss]

    Weiss put forward a “peas in a pod” picture: her data analysis from the California Kepler Survey suggests that planets in the same multi-planet system often have similar sizes and regular spacing. She argued that this pattern is astrophysical — it’s a remnant of planet formation.
  • Zhu, on the other hand, argued that the “peas in a pod” pattern isn’t real, but is instead the result of observational biases. According to Zhu, Kepler’s signal-to-noise threshold influences which planets are detectable in each system; accounting for these biases would remove the apparent uniformity within Kepler systems.
  • Wu took what perhaps is an even more radical stance: she argued that there’s a universal scaling law relating Kepler’s planet masses to their host-star masses — i.e., more-massive planets are found around more-massive stars. According to Wu’s analysis, the typical ratio of planet mass to stellar mass is ~8x the Earth-to-Sun mass ratio.

So who won the debate? Alas, that’s not how science works! Only further observational and theoretical evidence will settle whether Kepler multi-planetary systems truly show uniformity or not.

Session 12: Planets in and Around Binaries

This afternoon’s first session focused on a popular favorite topic: the existence of Tatooine-like planets orbiting within and around binary star systems.

Circumbinary planets

Artist’s illustration of a circumbinary system: multiple planets orbiting two stars. [NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle]

Does stellar multiplicity — the number of stars in a system — influence the formation of close-in giant planets and brown dwarfs? Clémence Fontanive (Edinburgh) presented analysis suggesting that stars hosting giant planets or brown dwarfs have a binary rate of ~80%, which is twice as high as that for field stars. Her results indicate that wide binaries play an important role in the formation of short-period companions.

To draw useful conclusions from the 11 circumbinary planets Kepler has discovered, we first have to understand the underlying distribution of mutual inclinations — the inclinations between the planet orbit and the binary orbit. Ian Czekala (UC Berkeley) analyzed a sample of circumbinary protoplanetary disks to infer that disks around short-period binaries (P < 40 days) typically have low mutual inclinations, and disks around longer period binaries have a broad range of mutual inclinations.

Eleven Tatooine-like planets may not sound like a large sample, but we have prospects for more! Bill Welsh (San Diego State) presented on three more unconfirmed candidates: two from Kepler (KOI-3152 and KIC 10753734) and one from TESS (TIC 260128333). TESS is predicted to discover around a hundred more of these circumbinary planets over the course of its mission.

Session 13: Planets Around White Dwarfs

Next we switched gears to talk about another type of unusual host for exoplanets: white dwarfs. Since Sun-like stars should end their lives as white dwarfs, and they should retain their planetary systems in the process, we expect to find planets around white dwarfs. Have we?

white dwarf planetesimal

Artist’s impression of a solitary planetismal orbiting in a debris disk surrounding a white dwarf. [University of Warwick/Mark Garlick]

We have! Christopher Manser (Warwick) kicked off the session by presenting on the first spectroscopically detected planetesimal found orbiting within a disk of debris around a white dwarf. This body blazes around the white dwarf in just over 2 hours, which means it must be remarkably dense to withstand the strong gravitational forces so close to the star. Could it be the iron core of a planet that has partially disintegrated?

In addition to this direct evidence, we also have indirect evidence. Matthias Schreiber (U Valparaiso) described observations of a white dwarf that appears to be accreting a disk of hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. The composition is unusual for a disk around a white dwarf — but it perfectly matches the composition we expect for the deeper layers of a giant planet’s atmosphere. Schreiber argues that the gas of this disk has come from the evaporated atmosphere of an undetected giant planet orbiting the dwarf.

It turns out that about 30–50% of white dwarfs show heavy elements in their atmospheres, likely indicating that they have been polluted by accretion of planetary material. Amy Steele (U Maryland) presented her work modeling the chemical abundances of the circumstellar gas around these white dwarfs, which will help us to better understand observations.

GJ 3470b

Artist’s illustration shows a giant cloud of hydrogen streaming off a warm, Neptune-sized planet. [NASA, ESA and D. Player (STScI)]

Session 14: Atmospheres II

For the last session of the day, we returned for another look at planetary atmospheres.

Vincent Bourrier (U Geneva) opened the session with a comparison of GJ 3470b — a nearby warm Neptune shown by Hubble to be exhibiting dramatic atmospheric loss as it orbits close to its host star — to other evaporating warm Neptunes. GJ 3470b may already have lost 40% of its mass in its short, two-billion-year lifetime! Bourrier’s observations shed further light on the apparent dearth of Neptunes on short, close-in orbits.

goodbye Spitzer

We’ll miss you, Spitzer! [AAS Nova/Ian Crossfield]

Ian Crossfield (MIT) described what we’ve learned from Spitzer photometric follow-up of TESS planets, obtaining infrared transits and eclipses. A main takeaway: two planets can have exactly the same irradiation and gravity, but completely different atmospheres. Crossfield also tugged at our heartstrings by pointing out we’ll soon no longer be able no longer be able to make observations like this — Spitzer will be decommissioned in January 2020.

doggo demonstration

Katelyn Allers gets major bonus points for using a video of her dog to illustrate how synchrotron radiation works. [AAS Nova/Katelyn Allers]

How can we measure wind speeds on exoplanets and brown dwarfs? Katelyn Allers (Bucknell U) presented a novel method, using a combination of radio observations and infrared photometric variability to infer the bulk atmospheric flow and constrain the wind speed of a brown dwarf. With lower-frequency observations in the future, her method could be applied to exoplanets as well.

Enric Palle (Canarias) described a He I survey, conducted with the CARMENES spectrograph, that’s exploring ultra-hot Jupiter- to Neptune-sized planet atmospheres via transmission spectroscopy. The goal of the survey is to build a large and diverse sample with high-resolution observations that can be used to understand atmospheric evolution.

Did you know that there’s a secret mode on the Hubble Telescope? Nikole Lewis (Cornell) introduced us to a useful — yet underused, due to some challenges — instrument on Hubble: its WFC3/UVIS G280 grism. With some new data reduction and analysis techniques, this grating prism can be used to obtain highly sensitive near-ultraviolet spectroscopic observations. By using this newly unlocked mode, Lewis and collaborators probed the chemical processes in hot Jupiter HAT-P-41b’s atmosphere.

Beta Pic

Infrared observation of the Beta Pic system, revealing the star, its surrounding dust disk, and the giant planet Beta Pic b. [ESO/A.-M. Lagrange et al.]

Exoplanet clouds are anything but boring! They can be composed from a variety of materials, like refractory minerals, silicate dust, salts, and volatile ices. Caroline Morley (UT Austin) and collaborators have worked to develop a set of theoretical models for the cloudy atmospheres of substellar bodies warmer than 1,000 K, which we can use to interpret to future observations.

How did the giant planet beta Pictoris b form? Mathias Nowak (Obs. Paris) presented the first long-baseline interferometric observations of Beta Pic b, which allow us to probe the carbon/oxygen ratio in the planet’s atmosphere. The low C/O ratio found can be used to constrain the possible formation mechanisms for the planet.

gas-giant formation

Editor’s note: This week we’re in Reykjavik, Iceland at the Extreme Solar Systems (ExSS) IV meeting. Follow along to catch some of the latest news from the field of exoplanet research!

Session 9: Planet Formation

Observations of planet populations provide a rich source of information about how planets might form — shaping our theories and models far beyond what was possible when we only had our own solar system as a guide. Today’s only talk session discussed just a few of our latest ideas about how both rocky and gassy planets are first born and evolve.


The bi-lobed object MU69, as captured by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft during its flyby. [NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute]

On the first day of 2019, New Horizons flew by outer solar-system body 2014 MU69 (popularly known as Ultima Thule). What lessons have we learned about planet formation from this cold, distant rock? Catherine Olkin (SwRI) pointed out MU69’s distinctive bi-lobed structure; this body clearly formed from two different components, but there’s no evidence for catastrophic impact between the two lobes. Instead, a combination of observations and models suggest that it formed from a gentle merger (just 2–3 m/s impact speed) of two objects born from accretion in the same local environment. Assuming that this body is representative of the broader population of cold, classical Kuiper belt objects, this could have interesting implications for planet formation models describing our solar system.

shape of MU69

New shape models of MU69 suggest its two lobes actually have flattened shapes. [NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute]

Side note: remember how we originally thought MU69 was snowman-shaped? We’ve got better shape models now, and our revised view is that it’s actually made from two flattened shapes stuck together (larger lobe: roughly 22 x 20 x 7 km; smaller lobe: roughly 14 x 10 x 10 km).

Recent research has shown two curious things: first, that super-Earths in the same system tend to be correlated in size, and second, that the entire population of super-Earths observed can be explained by the same core mass (but with different gas masses for their atmospheres). Mickey Rosenthal (UC Santa Cruz) argues that both of these features could be explained by interesting physics of the pebble-accretion model (in which a core rapidly grows by accreting small particles), which create a natural limit to the mass of an accreting core.

Why do we see so many sub-Saturn planets? These bodies have envelopes with the same mass as their cores, lying just on the verge of the runaway gas accretion that should turn them into gas-rich Jupiters. Since this is an unstable state, we expect to see many more Jupiter-like planets than sub-Saturns — yet sub-Saturns and Jupiters are equally common in the inner regions of disks (i.e., within orbits of 100 days). Eve Lee (McGill U) described her models for gas accretion, which indicate that the properties of an accreting planet depend on where in the disk the planet forms, the initial mass of the core, and when in the disk’s lifetime (during the early, gas-rich stage or during the later, gas-poor stage) the planet forms.

giant impact

Artist’s illustration of a collision between planets. [Rice University]

Next, we dive deep into planetary interiors, looking at the ratio of core mass to mantle mass in rocky planets. Rocky super-Earths show a wide variety of core-to-mantle mass ratios that can’t all be explained by the ratios we’d expect them to be born with. Jennifer Scora (Toronto) demonstrated that the expected spread can be broadened if many of these bodies underwent dramatic collisions during their lifetimes, stripping material from their mantle. By using realistic N-body models that include collisions, we can therefore use the observed distribution of rocky super-Earth core-to-mantle mass ratios to place constraints on planet formation models.

Continuing the theme of giant impacts, John Biersteker (MIT) explored what happens to the atmospheres of planets when they collide. Some of the diversity of densities and compositions observed for super-Earths and mini-Neptunes can be explained by partial ejections of planet atmospheres from the mechanical shock of impacts. But Biersteker argues that consequences of impacts are even more drastic than this: energy from the impact is also deposited into the planet’s atmosphere, heating the gas and causing the envelope to expand. This leads to significant further mass loss as the planet’s gravitational pull can no longer hold in its outer atmosphere — and can potentially strip the planet’s atmosphere entirely.


Artist’s impression of a super-Earth exoplanet orbiting its host. [Jack Madden/Cornell University]

The final presentation of the day was given by Oza Apurva on behalf of Caroline Dorn (Zurich). Apurva and Dorn are also collaborating to better understand the diversity of super-Earth compositions and densities we observe. Instead of invoking collisions, however, Apurva — like Eve Lee, earlier — argued that the when and where of planet formation can significantly alter the outcome. The dynamics of a planet’s interior, its outgassing history, and its magnetic field are all affected by its radial location in the protoplanetary disk and when in the disk’s lifetime it was born — perhaps naturally explaining the variety of super-Earth properties we see today.

The rest of the morning was devoted to a special poster session highlighting the nearly 400 excellent scientific posters (which are also available to view all week during coffee breaks), and the afternoon was left free as an opportunity to explore Iceland!

ExSS poster session

Scene from the ExSS IV poster session. [AAS Nova/Susanna Kohler]

rocky ultra-short-period planet

Editor’s note: This week we’re in Reykjavik, Iceland at the Extreme Solar Systems (ExSS) IV meeting. Follow along to catch some of the latest news from the field of exoplanet research!

Session 5: Dynamical Evolution

After yesterday’s observational talks, Day 2 kicked off with some theory. The morning’s discussions centered on how the dynamics of planetary systems evolve and shape the system over time.

planet mass vs. orbital period

Planet mass vs. orbital period for observed exoplanets. The red box in the lower left identifies the population of ultra-short-period planets. [Dong Lai/exoplanets.org]

Ultra-short-period planets are planets with periods of less than a day. There are about 70 of these planets currently known, and they’re thought to occur around about 0.5% of stars. But how do these planets form? Dong Lai (Cornell) and his group advocate for a low-eccentricity migration scenario: a small planet with a multi-day period undergoes tidal dissipation to shrink its orbit. Nearby companions regularly give it small eccentricity boosts, allowing the planet to continue shrinking its orbit for longer.

Rosemary Mardling (Monash) presented her new formulation that describes two-planet systems that are near resonance, i.e., they exert a regular, periodic gravitational influence on each other that nudges their periods toward an integer multiple of each other.

Where can we find hidden companions in multi-planet systems? Smadar Naoz (UCLA) showed how, if we know the configuration of the inner planets of a multi-planet system (i.e., how far they are from each other, their eccentricities, etc.), then we can estimate the location of an external, wide-orbit companion planet by calculating how the planets are likely to interact.

planet collision

Artist’s depiction of a planet–planet collision. [NASA/JPL-Caltech]

Kassandra Anderson (Cornell) presented work exploring the dynamical histories of warm Jupiters, giant planets with orbital periods of 10–300 days. Her calculations explore different ways of forming these planets, from violent collisions in-situ to migration through a disk.

Many inner giant planets are found on eccentric orbits. How do these planets gain their high eccentricities? And why do the highest-eccentricity planets tend to also be the highest-mass ones? Renata Frelikh (UC Santa Cruz) argued that this can be explained by a system undergoing a giant-impact phase, in which impacts between large planets lead to collisional growth and skewed orbits.

Jacques Laskar (Obs Paris) rounded out the session by discussing a new framework for rapidly understanding the dynamics of a planetary system. His work relies on a description of angular momentum, and it makes it possible to tell, upon discovering a new planetary system, whether the system is stable or unstable.

Session 6: Ultrashort Periods and Planet–Star Interactions

Having an ultra-short period presents an occupational hazard: these planets are likely to be strongly influenced by interactions with their host star. Today’s mid-morning session highlighted a number of interesting research topics related to these extreme planets and their environments.

55 Cancri e

Artist’s impression of the hot super-Earth 55 Cancri e in front of its parent star.

Ray Jayawardhana (Cornell) introduced us to two radical worlds: Kelt-9b, the hottest gas giant known at more than 4,000 K; and 55 Cancri e, a highly irradiated terrestrial planet on an blazing 18-hour orbit that has surprisingly managed to hold on to its atmosphere. Jayawardhana and his research group have used high-resolution spectroscopy to probe the composition of the atmospheres of these extreme worlds.

Radio astronomy is rarely associated with exoplanet research, but magnetized planets are expected to emit strongly at radio wavelengths. Spotting this emission is tough, but Joseph Callingham (ASTRON) presented recent observations from the LOFAR array of low-frequency radio emission associated with an M dwarf. Follow-up observations confirm the presence of a close-in exoplanet in the system. Could this be the launch of exoplanet radio astronomy?

WASP-12b is a well-studied hot Jupiter that provides us with a prime opportunity to explore star-planet interactions. Two presentations focused on aspects of this extreme system:

  • Josh Winn (Princeton) reported on transit timing observations of WASP-12 that show tidal decay — decay of the planet’s orbit due to interactions with its host — occurring in real-time on observable timescales.
  • Taylor Bell (McGill) discussed the hunt to understand WASP-12b’s unusual, double-peaked infrared phase curve — the planet brightens twice per day, rather than the expected one time. He concluded that this can be explained by WASP-12b losing mass in the form of a hot stream of gas flowing from the planet to its host star.

Many recently discovered short-period super-Earths and sub-Neptune planets have large tilts between their spin axes and their orbital axes. Sarah Millholland (Yale) argued that these high-obliquity states can drive higher levels of tidal dissipation, dumping heat into the planet interiors and ultimately inflating their atmospheres to larger radii.

hot Jupiter open questions

Ben Montet reviews the evolution of open questions about hot Jupiters since 1996. [AAS Nova/Ben Montet]

Ben Montet (U Chicago) reminds us that we’ve come a long way in our understanding of hot Jupiters since 1996. Among the open questions that remain: how long do hot Jupiters live before inspiralling into their host stars? One way of estimating this is by measuring the occurrence rate of hot Jupiters around stars as a function of stellar age — a process that is now possible with the combination of Gaia and Kepler/K2 data.

Roughly 40% of hot-Jupiter hosts show spectroscopic signatures that suggest we’re seeing these stars through a shroud of circumstellar gas that’s been torn from their irradiated, close-in planets. Carole Haswell (Open U) reported on a planet-hunting strategy that targets stars that don’t have known planets but that show similar signatures in their spectra. So far, the Dispersed Matter Planet Project has succeeded in finding three previously unknown planets using this strategy.

Session 7: Stellar Spins and Obliquities

Why should we care about stellar obliquities, the tilts of stars’ rotation axes relative to their orbital angular momentum? This misalignment can tell us about a planetary system’s formation and evolution.

Simon Albrecht (Aarhus U) kicked off the session with a broad overview of some trends observed in stellar obliquities, such as an apparent link between high stellar obliquity and high close-in planet eccentricity, and a typical alignment between multi-planetary system orbital planes and stellar rotation. These trends indicate that tidal alignment is likely an important factor in shaping obliquity distributions.

spin-orbit misalignment

Artist’s impression of a system with a spin–orbit misalignment: the planet orbits in a different plane than the star’s rotation. [Ricardo Cardoso Reis (IA/UPorto)]

What factors might affect spin–orbit misalignment of stars? Marshall Johnson (Ohio State) presented a statistical analysis of star+planet systems and showed how the spin–orbit misalignments correlate with different system properties, like stellar temperatures, metallicities, and ages; planet masses; and the presence of companions.

To understand stars with tilted planetary systems, we may need to look back in time to when these stars were still dispersing their surrounding disks. Cristobal Petrovich (CITA) presented a model in which a short-period planetary system can be excited to high obliquities (often all the way to polar orbits!) by a wide-orbit Jovian companion embedded in a photo-evaporating disk.

The final presentations explored a few example systems and their spin–orbit (mis)alignments:

  • HD3167 c is a sub-Neptune on a nearly polar orbit around its star. Shweta Dalal (IAP) presented measurements of this planet and an additional planet in the system, which is shown to be co-planar. The dynamics of the system indicate the planets are unlikely to have arrived on these orbits without help from an unseen outer companion.
  • K2-25b is a Neptune-sized planet orbiting a young M-dwarf host star. Previously, only one M-dwarf had a highly precise obliquity measurement — and that system, GJ 436, is highly misaligned. Gudmundur Stefansson (Penn State) presented new, precise obliquity measurements for K2-25b, showing that this system is contrastingly well-aligned.
  • angular momentum architecture

    Marta Bryan explains the measurements that fully describe the architecture of this system’s angular momentum. [AAS Nova/Marta Bryan]

    Marta Bryan (UC Berkeley) presented on a complex hunt to understand the system 2M0122, a star and its planetary-mass companion. Bryan looked to fully characterize this system by measuring not just the stellar spin and orbital angular momentum vectors, but also the planet’s spin vector. This uniquely complete view of the 3D angular momentum architecture of the system provides insight into the system’s formation history.

Session 8: Transiting Multi-Planet Systems

One of Kepler’s prime outcomes was the discovery that compact, multi-planet systems are common throughout the galaxy. What have we learned from transits of these systems in recent years?

Trevor David (JPL/Flatiron) opened the session by presenting on V1298 Tau, a young solar analog that’s just 20 or 30 million years old. A family of four transiting planets have been recently discovered orbiting within 0.5 AU of the star, providing us with a unique opportunity to study newly born planets at a time when their young host star is still emitting large amounts of harsh, high-energy radiation. This may tell us more about how compact multi-planet systems form.

We’ve noted that giant planets tend to form preferentially around higher-metallicity stars — but what are the trends for smaller planets? Sophie Anderson (MIT) presented results indicating that compact, multi-planet systems preferentially form around metal-poor M dwarfs. This could be explained if giant planets tend to disrupt interior, compact multiple systems.

planetary system

Artist’s impression of a multi-planet system in which the three currently transiting planets all have different impact parameters. [NASA/Tim Pyle]

What can we learn from transiting multi-planet systems where the planets don’t all transit within the same plane relative to our line of sight? Dan Fabrycky (U Chicago) described how systems that include some high-impact-parameter planets — i.e., planets that transit not across the center of their star from our point of view, but instead cross higher or lower on the disk — provide us with a wealth of information, such as precise planetary masses or constraints on the presence or absence of other, non-transiting planets in the system.

Matthias He (Penn State) showed that modeling of the Kepler population of planetary systems reveals a non-random distribution: instead, there seems to be clustering of planet sizes and periods within each system. This is consistent with previous evidence for two populations of planetary systems: a low-mutual-inclination population with low eccentricities, and one with high mutual inclinations or isolated planets.

How do we effectively categorize observed planets, and what can this categorization tell us about yet-unobserved planets? Emily Sandford (Columbia) took us on a unexpected journey through her collaborative work conducted with an expert in computational linguistics. By treating different kinds of planets as different parts of speech, and treating planetary systems as complete sentences, we can use natural language processing techniques to classify planets and predict the next unobserved planet orbiting a star.

astrobites shoutout

Rodriguez gives a shoutout to astrobites! [AAS Nova]

The final presentation of the session was given by Joseph Rodriguez (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) — who opened by graciously crediting Astrobites for his talk title. Rodriguez presented on K2-266, a compact six-planet system in which just one of the planets — an ultra-short-period super-Earth — has a significantly misaligned orbit. How do systems like this form? Rodriguez outlines one possible explanation, in which an additional unseen companion could drive the odd misalignment.

LHS 3844b

Editor’s note: This week we’re in Reykjavik, Iceland at the Extreme Solar Systems (ExSS) IV meeting. Follow along to catch some of the latest news from the field of exoplanet research!

Day 1 of ExSS started off at a breakneck pace! This is my first time attending this conference, and I wasn’t expecting the rapid pace of talks (10–15 minutes each, all in back-to-back rather than parallel sessions) and the density of information in them. I expect to be fairly overwhelmed by the end of the week, but so far this has been an awesome way to get a broad sense of the many different recent exoplanet discoveries and what we’re learning about our universe as a result.

Session 1: New Discoveries

What missions are involved in the hunt for exoplanets? What have they found so far, and what can we expect in the future? The first session provided a rapid overview of a few active exoplanet missions and recent discoveries we’ve made.

TESS prime mission

TESS will finish tiling the sky in its prime mission in 2020, at which point it will move on to the extended mission. Click to enlarge. [AAS Nova/George Ricker]

One of the best-known current exoplanet missions is the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). George Ricker (MIT) opened the science talks with a review of TESS’s first year and plans for the future. This all-sky survey spent 2019 covering the southern sky, and it’s now started started to tile the northern hemisphere. When that wraps up in July 2020, TESS will move on to its extended mission, revisiting previously covered regions to hunt for longer-period planets. So far we’ve already found 1,000 TESS Objects of Interest (potential planet candidates), with many more expected in the future!

Eric Nielsen (Stanford) next updated us on results from the Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey (GPIES), which is a ground-based direct-imaging mission hunting for giant planets and brown dwarfs that orbit at distances of 10 to 100 AU from their host stars. So far GPIES has discovered six giant planets and four brown dwarfs — not yet many, but even with these small-number statistics, the GPIES team has been able to start drawing conclusions about the differences between brown-dwarf and giant-planet populations.

What are some particularly interesting recent planet discoveries?

  • David Charbonneau (Harvard) thinks we’ve found the perfect target for studying the atmosphere of a rocky, Earth-like planet: LT1445Ab, an apparent terrestrial planet in a triple-star system. At less than 23 light-years away, this is the closest transiting planet we’ve discovered around an M dwarf, making it an excellent target for spectroscopic follow-up.
  • Anne-Marie Lagrange (Grenoble) described a new discovery in the Beta Pic system. The closest giant planet we’ve directly imaged is in Beta Pic — but now scientists have discovered it has a sibling. This second giant planet was detected spectroscopically, making Beta Pic the first system to host both a planet detected in imaging and one detected with indirect techniques.
  • It’s been suspected — but not confirmed — that terrestrial planets orbiting M dwarfs should have a difficult time retaining their atmospheres due to photoevaporation by their host stars. Laura Kreidberg (Harvard) and collaborators have now measured a thermal phase curve for TESS Earth-like planet LHS 3844b, indirectly confirming that this planet doesn’t have a thick atmosphere.
microlensing diagram

A diagram of how planets are detected via gravitational microlensing. The detectable planet is in orbit around the foreground lens star. [NASA]

Calen Henderson (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI) rounded out the session by summarizing the state of microlensing exoplanet studies. Microlensing typically gets less press than other planet detection techniques, but it’s the primary means by which we can detect colder planets and planets that are far away. One of the interesting topics microlensing can address is the frequency of free-floating planets: current estimates suggest there are more host-less, free-floating Earth-mass planets in our galaxy than there are stars!

Session 2: Direct Imaging

Fomalhaut system

One of the best-known directly imaged planets is Fomalhaut b, visible in the inset in this Eye-of-Sauron-like Hubble photo of the debris disk surrounding the star Fomalhaut. [NASA, ESA, P. Kalas (University of California, Berkeley)]

A select subset of exoplanets — about 15–20 total, so far — have the right properties for us to be able to take actual photos of them. These are giant planets of ~2–15 Jupiter masses, and they can be contrasted to imaged brown-dwarf companions (15–75 Jupiter masses). The next conference session discussed some of the recent results from direct-imaging studies.

Brendan Bowler (UT Austin) discussed one of the results obtained from direct-imaging studies in aggregate: observations suggest that brown-dwarf companions tend to have higher eccentricities, whereas long-period planets preferentially have low eccentricities. This suggests that giant planets are a distinct population from low-mass stars, and they likely formed within a disk.

Updates from a few specific surveys:

  • The SPHERE INfrared Exoplanet (SHINE) survey is studying the population of wide-orbit companions surrounding nearby stars. Michael Meyer (U Michigan) presented a number of the survey’s recent conclusions, one of which is that the frequency of brown-dwarf companions is higher for lower-mass host stars, yet the giant-planet frequency is higher for higher-mass stars.
  • The MagAO Giant Accreting Protoplanet Survey (GAPlanetS) searches for accreting planets lying in the gaps of the brightest transitional disks — disks that lie around young, still-accreting stars. This strategy of searching right where we expect to find planets has led to an impressive detection rate of 20% for the survey so far, according to Kate Follette (Amherst).
  • TESS is known as a transit survey, but it turns out it may prove beneficial as a direct-imaging survey as well — just not for exoplanets. Matt Holman (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) presented on how TESS and Pan-STARRS, a ground-based sky survey, could be used to search for distant, unseen planets in our own solar system, like the theorized Planet Nine.

Some especially interesting individual detections related to direct imaging:

exomoon candidate Kepler-1625b-i

Artist’s impression of a system consisting of a star, planet, and giant exomoon. [NASA/ESA/L. Hustak (STScI)]

  • Cecilia Lazzoni (INAF – Padova) presented an exciting discovery of the SHINE survey: evidence for two giant exomoon candidates orbiting two low-mass brown-dwarf companions. If confirmed, this discovery could constrain planet formation mechanisms.
  • Valentin Christiaens (Monash) discussed spectroscopic evidence for a circumplanetary disk around the first directly imaged protoplanet, PDS 70b. This is the first observational evidence that circumplanetary disks — long theorized — actually exist.
  • HD 20782b is a hot Jupiter with the highest eccentricity known to date (~ 0.96). Sasha Hinkley (Exeter) described how deep VLT-SPHERE observations have ruled out additional bodies in this system that could account for HD 20782b’s extreme orbit, suggesting this planet’s unusual eccentricity may be due to unique internal structure that has prevented its orbit from circularizing through tidal dissipation.

Session 3: Radial Velocities

Another means of detecting exoplanets is radial velocities, in which we examine the spectra of stars, looking for the subtle signature of the gravitational tug of an exoplanet on its host star. The first session of the afternoon focused on some of the results that have recently emerged from radial-velocity studies.

One of the primary benefits of radial-velocity studies is the ability to measure planetary masses — but due to stellar activity muddying the waters, this process is challenging! Xavier Dumusque (Geneva) presented on one approach improving our ability to interpret radial-velocity measurements: HARPS and HARPS-N are observing the Sun as a star! Since we can make independent measurements of solar activity and our planets are well characterized, these observations help us to understand how stellar activity can affect radial-velocity measurements.

René Doyon (Montreal) introduced the SPIRou Legacy Survey, which makes use of the SPIRou spectropolarimeter to achieve precision radial-velocity measurements in the infrared. SPIRou is designed to detect small planets around nearby low-mass stars and explore the impact of magnetic fields on star/planet formation. Though the program was only launched in February, the first science results are already in, with much more to come!

Some specific recent radial-velocity detections:

Teegarden's star

Artist’s impression of two planets orbiting Teegarden’s Star. [Institute for Astrophysics, University of Göttingen]

  • CARMENES, a spectrograph searching for the signals of low-mass planets around low-mass stars, has already doubled the number of known planets with host stars below 0.2 solar mass. Stefan Dreizler (U Goettingen) told us about two of the most Earth-like planets discovered, which orbit a nearby M dwarf known as Teegarden’s star. Fun fact about Teegarden’s star: our relative systems are aligned such that hypothetical Teegardians would be able to detect the Earth as a transiting exoplanet!
  • Remember the discovery of Proxima b, a low-mass exoplanet found around Proxima Centauri, our nearest stellar neighbor? It turns out this planet may have a sibling. Mario Damasso (INAF – Torino) presented analysis of ~17 years of radial-velocity data of Proxima Centauri, which hints at a second planet orbiting at 1.5 AU. If confirmed, this discovery would make Proxima the closest multi-planet system to the Sun, at just 4.2 light-years.
  • Caroline Piaulet (Montreal) told us about follow-up of WASP-107b, a near-Neptune-mass planet that’s the size of Jupiter and challenging planet-formation theories. Radial-velocity observations have revealed a second planet in the system on a wide and eccentric orbit, which may explain some of the strange properties of WASP-107b.
  • “We’ve been monitoring this star for longer than I’ve been alive,” says grad student Sarah Blunt (Caltech) about HR 5183. More than two decades of data allowed Blunt and collaborators to detect an eccentric (e = 0.84) Jovian planet, HR 5183 b, with an orbital period longer than 70 years — the longest-period exoplanet with a well-constrained orbit discovered with radial velocities.

Session 4: Transits

The final session of the day focused on what’s perhaps the most well-known planet detection method: transits, in which we discover planets through the dip in a host star’s light as an orbiting planet passes between us and its star.

Several of the talks highlighted results from TESS:

  • While TESS is directly monitoring 200,000 targeted stars in 26 sectors, it also produces full-frame, 30-minute-cadence images of its sectors. Simulated data predict that we’ll be able to find 3,000 planets in this data — but also 800,000 false positives! Adina Feinstein (U Chicago) discussed the various techniques we can use to eliminate these false positives and recover the real planets.
  • Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)

    Artist’s conception of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). [NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center]

    Peter Plavchan (George Mason U) presented on new results still under review at Nature (which means only vague reporting is encouraged) – the TESS and radial-velocity discovery of a two-planet system around a pre-main-sequence M dwarf still surrounded by a debris disk. This system gives us a tantalizing opportunity to study how newly formed planets interact with the disks in which they live.
  • Diana Dragomir (U New Mexico) introduced the HD 21749 system, jointly discovered with TESS and ground-based observations. HD 21749 serves as proof of TESS’s detection capabilities, consisting of an unusually dense, temperate sub-Neptune on a long-period orbit, as well as TESS’s first Earth-sized planet discovery.
  • We’ll be hearing more about ultra-short period planets tomorrow, but James Jenkins (U Chile) gave us a teaser by presenting TESS discovery of LTT9779b, the first Neptune-like ultra short period planet, which orbits its host in just 19 hours. The planet’s equilibrium temperature is a scalding 2,000 K, giving it the distinction of forming a new category: ultra hot Neptunes.
  • What about non-detections? Ji Wang (Ohio State) reported on a search for some of the earliest exoplanets formed. Wang and collaborators looked through TESS data for planets around the most metal-poor stars in our galaxy: a sample of old, Gaia-detected stars in the Milky Way halo. The search didn’t yield any discoveries, but it did place interesting constraints on planet formation in metal-poor environments.

Andrew Vanderburg (UT Austin) discussed the challenges of measuring accurate planet occurrence rates in transit surveys like Kepler, K2, and TESS. Since human judgment isn’t perfect, Vanderburg argues that automatic detection and vetting of planet candidates is the way forward. He and collaborators are working on using deep learning, a machine learning technique, to do this automated detection, and they’ve already demonstrated success in applying this to Kepler data.

Transit observations are good for more than just finding exoplanets; we can also learn about the planets’ properties. Antonija Oklopcic (Harvard) presented a new way to detect magnetic fields in exoplanets, which relies on examining a helium absorption line in a planet’s atmosphere as the planet transits. This line will become polarized in the presence of an external field, and measuring this polarization can provide constraints on the strength of the exoplanet’s magnetic field.


Greetings from the fourth Extreme Solar Systems (ExSS) meeting, held in Reykjavik, Iceland! This week, I will be writing updates on just a few of the talks at the meeting. The usual posting schedule for AAS Nova will resume next week.

What’s ExSS?

This conference is the fourth in a series that started in 2007 as an opportunity for exoplanet theorists, observers, and instrumentation developers to gather and discuss both our exoplanet discoveries over the past decades and what we can expect in the future.

The conference has reconvened every roughly four years, and the meeting in Iceland is drawing an impressive attendance of astronomers from around the world. Roughly 600 participants will be gathering in Reykjavik, and the full meeting program includes over 100 talks and nearly 400 posters! The program is broken down into broad categories related to exoplanet study, including the following sessions:

  • New Discoveries
  • Planet Formation
  • Direct Imaging
  • Atmospheres
  • Radial Velocities
  • Population Statistics & Mass-Radius Relations
  • Transits
  • Planets in and around Binaries
  • Dynamical Evolution
  • Planets around White Dwarfs
  • Ultrashort Periods and Planet-Star Interactions
  • Disks
  • Stellar Spins and Obliquities
  • Habitability and Biosignatures
  • Transiting Multi-planet Systems
  • Future Missions


I’ll do my best to bring you highlights from as many sessions as I can!


The many attendees of ExSS IV are ready for the first day of the conference. [AAS Nova]


The 234th meeting of the American Astronomical Society took place June 9–13 in St. Louis, MO. The following is the last of the interviews conducted by Astrobites authors with some of the meeting’s keynote speakers to learn more about their research and careers. You can view the rest of the series by searching the AAS meeting tag!

Note: We are aware that astrobites.org is currently down. AAS IT staff is working to get the site back up as soon as possible!

Dr. Philip Scherrer (interviewed by Briley Lewis)

Imagine starting your career with access to a $25,000 computer at your disposal. Except, that computer is limited by its 100-KHz processor, and its memory is stored on tape and can only hold 32 kilobytes. (For reference, a typical iPhone is 4,000 times more powerful, with around 500,000 times the storage capacity.) When Dr. Philip Scherrer began his career in solar astronomy in the late 1960s, this is what he had to work with, and in the past 50 years, he has contributed to the creation of revolutionary telescopes and massive amounts of data, forever changing our understanding of the Sun and its impacts on Earth.


Dr. Philip Scherrer, Stanford University, recipient of this year’s George Ellery Hale prize for his extraordinary contributions to the field of solar astronomy. [Stanford University]

1957 was a great time to be a kid interested in science (like Scherrer was), with both the International Geophysical Year and the world-changing launch of Sputnik-1. Inspired by the events of his childhood, Dr. Scherrer spent his undergrad and part of graduate school at UC Berkeley, before moving across the bay to Stanford, following an opportunity to build a new solar observatory there. This became the Wilcox Solar Observatory, which opened in 1975 and is still operating today. Dr. Scherrer semi-jokingly credits the telescope’s name for its longevity, saying, “If you call it an observatory, people will keep it around. Telescopes will be gone in 10 years.” He then continued on as a postdoc at Stanford, and in 1986 became part of their research faculty, where he remains today.

One of the major projects of his career was the MDI (Michelson Doppler Interferometer) instrument on SOHO — NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory — in collaboration with the Lockheed solar group. Near the start of the mission, Scherrer recalls the destruction of a Telstar satellite by a (totally unpredicted) coronal mass ejection — something he took quite personally since it disrupted his weekly Star Trek viewing. This further motivated him to understand the Sun’s cycles and activity. The most unexpected change, in his view, is the revolution in how people think of the Sun. We now have the understanding that stars are really dynamic, changing on large and small spatial scales at really fast timescales (minutes to even seconds). Previously, the solar interior was thought of as a black box, but now we can infer structure through helioseismology. “You can look inside a star … and that’s cool! It’s fun to have been a part of it.”

Although he’s certainly learned a great deal about how stars work, Scherrer has also learned a lot about working in astronomy, especially on long-term projects and large mission teams. “It’s hard to judge when you’ve got it right,” he says, with “it” being data from a telescope or mission. You might think the solution is to meticulously triple-check everything to get it perfect before releasing the data, but he disagrees. There’s a benefit to getting data out there, “even with blemishes, since there are few telescopes but lots of blackboards and people with good ideas.” He also conveyed the importance of work-life balance and avoiding burn-out, summed up with a pithy statement: “Don’t forget to live.”


The Sun, as seen by SOHO. [NASA]

When thinking about future predictions of solar flares and coronal mass ejections, he hopes we’ll finally “do something better than just guess. All the pieces are there.” Given that we just recently started observing the Sun in detail, we still only have a small sample of full solar-cycle data; as Scherrer says, “The fact that it takes 22 years [for a full solar cycle]doesn’t make it easy.” Looking ahead, Scherrer is excited to see what we can do to create a holistic portrait of the Sun, using 20+ years of good helioseismology and magnetic data, solar-cycle monitoring, and computer modeling to tie everything together.

Scherrer had something in store for everyone in his George Ellery Hale prize plenary talk, “Observations about observations of the Sun”, and especially hoped that “it’ll be of value to people just getting started in the field.” He presented his talk on Monday, June 10th at 4:30pm at #AAS234; you can check out Kerry Hensley’s writeup of the talk here!

filament eruption

Editor’s Note: This week we’re at the 234th AAS Meeting in St. Louis, MO. Astrobites and AAS Nova will be working together to publish updates on selected events at the meeting this week; the usual posting schedule for AAS Nova will resume next week.

Plenary Lecture: Transiting Exoplanets: Past, Present, & Future (by Susanna Kohler)

The remarkable thing about planet transits, says Joshua Winn (Princeton University), is the incredible wealth of information we can obtain from simple blips of light. “Transits are by far our richest source of information about planets,” he pointed out in the opening of his plenary — transits can reveal not just properties like masses or periods of planets, but also surprising details like the composition of planet atmospheres or the obliquity of the host star.

Kepler vs. ground-based

Transit data from Kepler (bottom) compared to data from a ground-based telescope of comparable size (top).

The field of transit study has a long history, but it exploded in 2009 with the launch of the Kepler mission. Kepler studied a small patch of sky just above the galactic plane for roughly four years, building up a large sample of planet candidates that could be used to statistically explore the population of exoplanets in our galaxy for the first time. The data quality possible with Kepler was a huge step up from the observations we’d gathered from ground-based telescopes — which allowed for the detection of additional features in transit light curves that could tell us more about unusual systems.

Winn shared with us a few of his favorite weird Kepler systems, which include:

  • Kepler-89, in which we observe a planet being eclipsed by another planet as the two bodies transit their host star
  • Kepler-36, a system challenging our understanding of planet formation, since it contains two planets that lie at very nearly the same orbital radius but are vastly different in nature: one is a dense, rocky super-Earth, whereas the other is a fluffy, gaseous mini-Neptune
  • Kepler-16, a star with a bizarre light curve that turns out to be perfectly explained by a circumbinary planet transiting across the faces of both of its hosts
sky coverage

Comparison of TESS’s planned coverage of the sky (blue) compared to Kepler’s coverage (yellow).

“As much as we love the Kepler mission, it did have one tragic flaw,” Winn lamented. “It didn’t cover the whole sky.” Even with Kepler’s extended K2 mission, it only accessed about 5% of the sky. This brings us to the current leader in exoplanet transit detections: the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).

TESS, launched 14 months ago, is designed to tile almost the entire sky during its 2-year primary mission; at this point, it’s already mostly through observing the southern hemisphere. TESS’s data — which is all made public immediately — includes two types: 30-minute full-frame images, and 2-minute subimages tracking 100,000 selected stars. Though TESS spends less time looking at each individual patch of sky, it will discover short-period transiting planets around a huge variety of stars throughout the galaxy. As of this morning, Winn reported, the number of TESS planet candidates stood at ~700 — and we can expect many more to come!


Past, current, and upcoming missions contributing to exoplanet exploration.

What’s the future of exoplanet study look like? TESS will serve as a bridge between Kepler and a number of upcoming missions. Targets selected by TESS can be followed up for atmospheric studies with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and radius measurements with the CHaracterising ExOPlanets Satellite (CHEOPS). And the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) stands to revolutionize exoplanet exploration for microlensing in the same way that Kepler revolutionized the field for transits.

Winn concluded with a message for any students in the audience deciding on a field of study: with transiting exoplanets, you have a rare opportunity to join an exciting field with few barriers to entry, massive amounts of data, and a very clear agenda for the next decade. It’s definitely an option worth considering!

Don’t forget that you can learn more about Winn and his work by checking out the interview conducted by Mike Foley here.

Press Conference: Even More Sun & More Milky Way (by Susanna Kohler)

This morning’s conference is following a familiar theme: even more studies about the Sun and the Milky Way! The first two presentations of the day focused on a favorite solar topic: predictions about the solar cycle and its impacts on Earth.

solar activity and El Nino

When data is scaled and stacked by terminator-to-terminator solar-cycle length, patterns become evident in factors like El-Niño behavior (ENSO), galactic cosmic-ray measurements (GCR), and sunspot number (hSSN).

Is there a relation between the solar cycle and large-scale weather patterns on Earth, like El Niño? Robert Leamon (University of Maryland & NASA Goddard SFC) argues yes — but it’s not tied to local solar-activity minima or maxima. Instead, he suggests that it’s the termination of each solar cycle — which occurs every ~11 years on average, but varies in exact timing — and the corresponding decrease in cosmic-ray flux that drives the swing on Earth from El Niño to La Niña. Leamon and collaborators use a signal processing method to analyze past data and project when the current cycle, Cycle 24, will terminate, finding that the termination will occur in April 2020 and drive the El-Niño-to-La-Niña transition shortly thereafter. Leamon concluded by emphasizing that this connection does not mean that the Sun is the cause of global warming; indeed, this coupling between the Sun’s activity and Earth’s atmosphere is only possible because climate change has already occurred.

solar cycle strengths

Kitiashvili and collaborators predict that the next solar cycle will be significantly weaker than previous ones.

Next up, Irina Kitiashvili (NASA Ames Research Center) introduces some predictions for long-term solar activity. By using a new technique that relates observations of the magnetic fields on the Sun’s surface to the state of the solar dynamo deep in the Sun’s interior, and by taking into account uncertainties in the data and the dynamo model, Kitiashvili and collaborators generate predictions of the future state of the Sun. They, too, estimate that the next solar cycle will begin in 2020, and they predict that the next solar maximum will be 30–50% lower than the most recent one — making it the weakest cycle of the last 200 years. Press release


Green circles mark citizen-scientist-identified “yellowballs”, intriguing young star-forming regions. [Milky Way Project]

Changing gears, Grace Wolf-Chase (Adler Planetarium) brought our focus away from our own star to star formation in our galaxy. The Milky Way Project, part of the Zooniverse suite, used the power of citizen science to identify infrared bubbles in nebulae that trace out sites of recent massive star formation. In the process of this identification, however, the citizen scientists serendipitously discovered more than 6,000 bizarre objects that the team named “yellowballs” for their shape and color. Since then, Wolf-Chase and collaborators have gathered more information about these objects, determining that they are young star-forming regions that span a huge range in luminosity and mass. Yellowballs provide a unique opportunity: many of them harbor newly forming stars and are still embedded in their birth clouds. This combination rarely occurs, since the hot radiation from young stars rapidly destroys their birth environments. Yellowballs may therefore offer unique insight into how stellar properties link to their birth clouds. Press release [pdf]

It’s not often that you get confirmation of a prediction you made a decade ago; Sukanya Chakrabarti (Rochester Institute of Technology), however, is having that experience now. Ten years ago, she and collaborators used dynamical analysis to predict the presence of a large, dark-matter dominated dwarf galaxy that crashed into the Milky Way and produced large ripples seen in the gas of our outer galaxy. The problem? They couldn’t find a dwarf galaxy that matched their predictions. Now, a decade later, Chakrabarti may have found the culprit at last.

Gaia data recently revealed a new dwarf galaxy, Antlia 2, that has very few stars but a large amount of dark matter. Though similar in extent to the Large Magellanic Cloud, Antlia 2 is two orders of magnitude fainter! Chakrabarti and collaborators have shown that the properties and position of this galaxy beautifully match the predictions for the perturber they think smashed into the Milky Way long ago (see the gif below for the simulation of this interaction; gas is shown on the left, stars on the right). As an added test, they predict precisely where Antlia 2’s stars should be located in the future if this is, indeed, their missing galaxy. We can check whether they’re right in a year or two with the next Gaia data release! Press release

Plenary Lecture: Cosmological Inference from Large Galaxy Surveys (by Susanna Kohler)

The most surprising cosmological discovery of recent decades is the accelerating expansion of the universe — an unexpected outcome that has simultaneously driven theorists to develop new models and inspired a new generation of large cosmological surveys. These surveys will each gather a wealth of data — perhaps higher-precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation, or better spectroscopic and photometric galaxy statistics — that can be individually used to provide constraints on the universe’s composition and evolution. But Elisabeth Krause (University of Arizona) asserts that the most stringent cosmological constraints will be obtained when we analyze these data with a careful eye for systematics, and when we combine the information from these different probes.

photometric cosmology surveys

Current and upcoming photometric cosmology surveys. Can we combine information from these different probes to obtain tighter constraints?

How do we do this? First, it’s important to note that this upcoming decade of large surveys marks a new era. Gone are the days in which observations were easily analyzed, maps and catalogs easily produced, and lone geniuses were easily able to develop cosmological models from those products. In the current era of large-scale projects, Krause says, this model is no longer possible; now entire teams of people are needed to process the enormous volumes of data and jointly draw useful conclusions from them.

This new collaborative model is certainly evident in the Dark Energy Survey (DES) project, a visible and near-infrared wide-field survey that imaged millions of galaxies to produce a dataset that astronomers can use to learn about the growth of large-scale structure in the universe. But the key to good analysis is to properly account for systematics — which can include things like experimenter bias. In a collaboration of several hundred people, how do you make sure that eager scientists hoping for results for conferences, for instance, don’t end up unintentionally biasing the results? DES solved this problem by using complex blinding schemes that prevented the experimenters from seeing the data as they worked. Only once they all signed off on the conclusion of the analysis were they able to “open the box” and see what constraints came out.

LSST collaboration

The LSST collaboration already consists of more than 600 people.

Strategies like this will be even more important in the future, as we move from datasets containing a few million galaxies to many billions of galaxies once WFIRST, Euclid, and the newly renamed Vera Rubin Survey Telescope (formerly LSST) come online, with correspondingly larger collaborations. But if we analyze these upcoming observations with careful attention to systematics, and if we combine the constraints of these surveys in thoughtful ways, we will soon have a better understanding of the nature of our universe than ever before.

Press Conference: Cold Quasars & Hot Cosmology (by Susanna Kohler)

quasar clearing surroundings

Artist’s illustration of a bright blue quasar clearing the gas and dust out from around it. [Michelle Vigeant/University of Kansas]

We made it to the sixth and final press conference of the week! This final session touched on all-new topics compared to the previous few sessions. The first presenter was Allison Kirkpatrick (University of Kansas), who spoke on a new population of galaxies that she and her collaborators have termed “cold quasars”. In the theorized picture of a galaxy merger, fresh gas from the merger gets driven toward a central supermassive black hole. The sudden accretion of this rich supply of food causes the black hole to light up, forming a quasar. This brightly shining source is initially red, as it is still enshrouded by the dust churned up in the merger; once it has consumed or blown out all the dust around it, it will appear blue. But Kirkpatrick and collaborators found something intriguing: in a sample of quasars, they found that roughly 4% are blue but also have plenty of gas and dust remaining in their host galaxy. The authors dub these objects “cold quasars”; these likely represent a transition phase during which the galaxy rids itself of the fuel that can be used to make stars. After this last hurrah, the galaxy will retire as a passive elliptical galaxy.

Fun side story: the upcoming merger of the Milky Way and Andromeda will likely proceed in exactly this way. Though both our galaxy’s supermassive black hole and Andromeda’s are quite anemic, the influx of fuel from a merger will cause the resulting, merged black hole to light up as a stunning quasar, dominating the night sky and eventually expelling the gas of the galaxy. No new stars will form after this point, so “this will spell the beginning of the end for life in the Milky Way,” cautions Kirkpatrick. Of course, she continues, this will be in ~3–4 billion years and will be around the time when the Sun evolves into a red giant, so we may have other, more pressing concerns at the time. Press release

The other two presentations of the session both addressed the same problem: the tension between local and global measurements of the Hubble constant (H0), a value that describes the rate of expansion of the universe. The best way to measure this constant in the local universe is to use the distance ladder to measure the distance to and recession speed of local galaxies. The most recent study using this approach gives a value for the Hubble constant of H0 = 74.03 ± 1.46 km/s/Mpc. Other experiments — like Planck — have instead measured H0 on global scales. By determining H0 in the early universe using observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, we can then evolve this value forward to present-day using ΛCDM cosmology, our best-guess model describing our universe’s evolution. This technique produces a value for the Hubble constant of H0 = 67.4 ± 0.5 km/s/Mpc. The local and global values are therefore in tension: there’s a 9% unexplained difference between the measurements. Is this difference due to systematics? Or is there new physics involved that we haven’t yet considered?


In this computer simulation, we see a region of the universe wherein a low-density “void” (dark blue region at top center) is surrounded by denser structures containing numerous galaxies (orange/white). Could such a void explain inconsistencies in the measured Hubble constant? [TNG collaboration]

D’Arcy Kenworthy (Johns Hopkins University) first addressed one of the leading theories: that these measurements are different because we live in a local void. If our galaxy lies in an underdense region of the universe, this would explain why we measure a different expansion rate immediately around us, as compared to the average expansion rate of the universe measured on global scales. But when Kenworthy and collaborators tested this theory by using a sample of more than 1,000 supernovae to look for variation in the local value of the Hubble constant, they came up empty-handed: their results suggest that a local void can’t resolve the tension between the two measurements of H0. Astrobites article

So if local voids are out, it would seem that perhaps new physics is, indeed, needed to resolve the problem. Maurice Van Putten (Sejong University) has an idea: what if the fact that the universe is evolving means that ΛCDM cosmology isn’t the best model at all orders? If we take into account deviations from ΛCDM predicted by quantum cosmology, then Van Putten shows that this new model applied to CMB measurements produces a global value for H0 that nicely matches the value found from local measurements. Voila, tension is gone! It seems surprisingly simple (though the math really isn’t!), but comparison to future observations should provide a check of this theory.

Karen Harvey Prize Lecture: Where Do Solar Eruptions Come From? (by Susanna Kohler)

The final plenary of the day was given by Anthony Yeates (Durham University), who is the recipient of this year’s AAS/SPD Karen Harvey Prize, an award that recognizes early-career individuals who have made a significant contribution to the study of the Sun. In Yeates’s case, his contribution is in the form of work advancing our understanding of “how the Sun’s magnetic fields originate, evolve, and govern the dynamics of the solar corona,” and he was ready today to give us his take on where solar eruptions come from.

solar filaments

The dark structures visible against the Sun’s disk are solar filaments.

Yeates argued that the key to understanding solar eruptions is to understand how magnetic helicity is injected into and removed from the Sun’s atmosphere. He opened by showing us images of enormous magnetic filaments — dark, string-like structures visible against the Sun’s disk. These magnetically-confined channels of cool gas are what eventually give rise to eruptions and flares, and the twisted and helical magnetic fields that govern them become evident when you look at them closely. Magnetic helicity is the measure of how tangled, twisted, and linked these fields are.

Over the next half-hour, Yeates built up a compelling picture of how energy is freed from the Sun’s surface and expelled into space in an eruption.

  • Step 1: Magnetic helicity is injected into the Sun’s corona by motions on the surface of the Sun. There are multiple components to this: the Sun’s rotation generates helicity, and more is added as the footpoints of magnetic field lines wander via diffusion, tangling the fields.
  • Step 2: Once helicity has been added into the atmosphere, it accumulates at polarity inversion lines, locations where the magnetic polarity swaps. This build-up allows field lines to get close together — exactly what’s needed for magnetic reconnection to occur.
  • Step 3: Helicity is removed from the atmosphere via coronal mass ejections. Sudden eruptions (likely following reconnection) throw some of this tangled magnetic field out into space, removing it from the Sun’s atmosphere.
active region magnetic fields

Magnetic fields on the Sun are complicated!

Currently, Yeates said, observations and models are in good agreement, leading to general acceptance of this paradigm. But we still have plenty more work to do! The ultimate goal, of course, is to be able to predict when eruptions will occur. We’re certainly not there yet — Yeates earned a laugh when he described the current state as “we can predict them after they happen” — but this understanding of how energy makes its way from the solar surface into eruptions is a huge step in the right direction.

You can read more about Yeates in the interview conducted by astrobiter Mia de los Reyes here.

galactic center magnetic fields

Editor’s Note: This week we’re at the 234th AAS Meeting in St. Louis, MO. Astrobites and AAS Nova will be working together to publish updates on selected events at the meeting this week; the usual posting schedule for AAS Nova will resume next week.

Laboratory Astrophysics Division (LAD) Plenary Lecture: The Role of Dust in the Molecular Universe (by Kerry Hensley)

Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park. [Clément Bardot]

Dr. Xander Tielens (Leiden University, Netherlands) began his talk by reflecting on the enormous paradigm shift he has seen over the course of his career. Over the past several decades, we’ve learned that nearly all stars host planetary systems, and many of those systems harbor Earth-like planets: studies have shown that as many as a fifth of Sun-like stars have a rocky planet orbiting in the habitable zone. We’ve also learned that life on Earth is much hardier than anyone ever expected. We’ve found bacteria in the scalding water of the Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park, fossilized under frozen lakebeds in Antarctica, and clinging to salt crystals in the Atacama Desert in South America, the driest place on Earth. There’s life everywhere, and it developed quickly (in the comic sense) after Earth was formed.

These discoveries give us a hint — and hope — that life may be widespread in the universe, able to withstand even the harshest environments. Life on Earth is built from organic molecules, which are composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous, and sulfur. How did the organic molecules that life is built from end up on Earth in the first place? They can either exist in the material that the Earth formed from (starting with tiny dust grains in the Sun’s protoplanetary disk) or they can be delivered to the planet later on in the form of asteroids and comets (particularly the ones that were scattered into the inner solar system during the Late Heavy Bombardment).

An example of how the composition of chondrites (stony meteorites) can affect the composition of a planet’s

The chemical makeup of this material is important because it determines, in part, the composition of Earth’s atmosphere. For example, if most of the material has a “reduced” composition, the atmosphere will tend to be methane-rich. If most of the material has an “oxidized” composition, the atmosphere will tend to be nitrogen-, carbon-dioxide-, or water-vapor-rich, depending on the temperature. It’s really easy to make amino acids (important for life!) in the presence of methane, and really hard to make them without, so the composition of the atmosphere is crucial.

A lot of the exciting chemistry happening in the interstellar medium that has important implications (much later on) for planetary habitability takes place on icy dust grains. Dust grains are important because they provide a surface onto which atoms and molecules can stick, move around, and react to form other compounds. The timescales are a lot longer than in the gas phase, where you basically get a split-second chance at a reaction during a collision. Dust grain-surface chemistry creates a lot of molecules we care about like oxygen, carbon dioxide, and methanol — we likely have dust to thank for life on Earth!

Dr. Tielens closed his talk with an encouragement for laboratory astrophysicists everywhere: everything you can study in the lab will be relevant somewhere in the universe — it’s your job to find out where!

Press Conference: Spiral Galaxies Near and Far (by Susanna Kohler)

Milky Way

Artist’s impression of the Milky Way galaxy. [NASA]

This morning’s press conference threatened to make us all dizzy with four talks about spiral galaxies. We started with the nearest spiral galaxy — our own Milky Way — and then moved on to talk about these twisted galaxies more broadly.

What’s going on at the very heart of our galaxy, in the central ~15 light-years? This region contains a tilted disk of gas and dust rotating counterclockwise around our galaxy’s supermassive black hole, Sgr A*. This ring is best observed at ~50 µm, a wavelength that can only be accessed from high altitudes; luckily, we’ve got SOFIA, our favorite flying observatory, on the job.
SOFIA’s HAWC+ instrument obtained both images and polarimetry — measurements of magnetic fields — of the central ~15 light-years of the galaxy. C. Darren Dowell (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) showed us the results: a spectacular map of the streamlines tracing the magnetic field within the heart of our galaxy (see the cover image at the top of the page). HAWC+’s measurements reveal a beautiful spiral structure to the dust that indicates the magnetic field is strong enough to channel material into orbit around the black hole. This subtle redirection may be enough to explain why our black hole is unusually quiet: magnetic fields might be preventing Sgr A* from getting a proper meal! Press release

density wave theory

Spiral arms will have different apparent angles at different wavelengths as stars propagate away from spiral density waves.

The next two speakers both described tests of the dominant theory for what causes spiral structure in galaxies: density wave theory. According to this model, density waves propagate through the disk of a galaxy. Gas and stars don’t remain stationary relative to these spiral waves, though; instead, their rotation speed is set by their distance from the center of the galaxy, and this speed matches the pattern speed of the density wave only at one location, known as the co-rotation radius. Inside this radius, newly formed stars caused by compression of the gas will disperse ahead of the density wave; outside of the co-rotation radius, they trail behind the wave. According to the density wave theory, the shape of a spiral arm will therefore look different at different wavelengths: bluer wavelengths will trace the younger stars distributed close to the density wave, appearing as a more radial arm, whereas redder wavelengths will trace the older stars that have trailed further ahead of and behind the density wave, appearing as a more angled arm.

To test the picture of density wave theory, a team of scientists looked for these differences in arm shape across different wavelengths for ~30 galaxies. Daniel Kennefick (University of Arkansas) presented the results: the arms were indeed angled differently at different wavelengths, exactly as predicted by density wave theory. Kennefick remains cautious, however: this seems like a triumph for the density wave model, but other research groups have found opposing results. As always, more work remains to be done!

Shameer Abdeen (University of Arkansas) and collaborators took a different approach to test density wave theory: they attempted to measure the co-rotation radius for a sample of ~20 spiral galaxies. They did this by tracing out the galaxy’s spiral arms at different wavelengths, and then identifying the location where these arms crossed over one another. The good agreement of their results with other, independent measures of the co-rotation radius provides additional confirmation that density wave theory is a solid model.

Spiral Graph

In the Spiral Graph citizen science project, volunteers trace out the spiral arms of galaxies. These tracings are stacked to produce a final map of a galaxy’s arms, which can then be used in the hunt for intermediate-mass black holes.

Abdeen and collaborators were able to trace out the spiral arms of their sample by hand, but what do you do if you have a sample of galaxies larger than ~20? Patrick Treuthardt (North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences) has the answer: enlist the help of citizen scientists! Since computers have a hard time picking out spiral arms in low-contrast images, Treuthardt and collaborators looked to humans, who are inherently quite good at identifying patterns — even in faint images. To enlist enough humans to trace the spiral arms of a sample of thousands of spiral galaxies, the group set up a citizen science project based on the Zooniverse platform: Spiral Graph. In this project, anyone can go look at images of galaxies and mark where you think their spiral arms lie. Tracings of multiple citizen scientists are then averaged to produce a map of each galaxy’s arms.
Beyond being a fun way to kill time, this exercise has a purpose! Once we’ve mapped the arms of these galaxies, we can easily estimate their pitch angles. Intriguingly, how tightly these arms are wound correlates with the mass of the black hole hosted at the center of the galaxy. By selecting galaxies with very loose spirals, the team hopes to identify those galaxies most likely to host elusive intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs). Astronomers only know of a dozen or so confirmed IMBH candidates thus far — so go do some spiral tracing and contribute to the discovery of more!

Plenary Lecture: The Tools of Precision Measurements in Exoplanet Discovery and Characterization: Peeking under the Hood of the Instruments (by Kerry Hensley)

Suvrath Mahadevan (Penn State University) gave the audience a peek “under the hood” of the highly precise instruments bringing us exoplanet detections and atmospheric characterizations. Thanks to missions like Kepler and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), we’ve discovered thousands of exoplanets, with many more on the way. As a result, some of our focus has shifted from detection to characterization — we want to know what’s in the atmospheres of these planets and whether they might be habitable or not.

10 cm/s put in context

A depiction of what a shift corresponding to a velocity of 10 cm/s looks like on a detector. The silvery dots are individual silicon atoms.

What will it take to detect small, rocky planets and learn about their atmospheres? Really, really, really precise instruments. Currently, we can measure radial velocities of about 1 m/s. This is pretty good, but we’d like to get down to the tens-of-centimeters-per-second or centimeters-per-second level to detect lots of Earth-mass planets around faraway stars. That’s easier said than done, though! A velocity of 10 cm/s corresponds to a shift of just a few lattice-spacings on a detector — that’s 1/6000 of a 10-micron pixel!

What do we need in order to get down to that level of precision? A lot of things need to come together to make it happen: a really good spectrograph, a high-performance detector, a way of calibrating the instrument (e.g. laser combs), precise temperature and/or vacuum control of the environment that the instrument and detector are housed in, and an excellent data reduction pipeline, to name just a few.

Mahadevan highlighted a couple of current instruments: the Habitable Zone Planet Finder (HPF) on the Hobby-Eberly Telescope, and NEID, which will be installed on the WIYN telescope at Kitt Peak. HPF has given us the highest-precision near-infrared radial velocities ever reported. (As an aside, things get really interesting in the infrared: the act of reading out the detector warms it enough that the detector itself becomes a source of noise. There are also crystalline lattice defects that cause shifts in the quantum efficiency of the detector at sub-pixel scales, which can’t be removed through flat-fielding.)

Let’s say we can overcome these issues and build spectrographs and detectors capable of detecting the subtle shift in spectral lines corresponding to velocities of ~10 cm/s. We still have a problem: getting our instruments down to 10 cm/s won’t help us if we can’t disentangle the competing effects of transiting planets and solar activity. So, there’s still plenty of work to be done on the science side as well as the instrumentation side, both of which will help us in our quest to track down Earth-like planets.

Press Conference: More Sun & More Milky Way (by Susanna Kohler)

AAS 234 press conference

The afternoon press conference presenters are ready to go under the direction of AAS Media Fellow Kerry Hensley!

This afternoon’s press conference was hosted by AAS Media Fellow and astrobiter Kerry Hensley, and it promised more exciting results from our nearest star and galaxy.

First up, Kevin Reardon (National Solar Observatory) presented observations of the Sun from the millimeter/submillimeter powerhouse ALMA. The wavelengths probed by ALMA’s 64 antennae provide views of different layers of the Sun’s chromosphere, the atmospheric layer sandwiched between its cooler surface (the photosphere) and its hotter outer atmosphere (the corona). As “the gateway to the corona”, the chromosphere may eventually provide us with information about how heat is transferred from deep in the Sun’s interior to its outermost layers — if we can understand observations of it! Reardon and collaborators showed that ALMA’s 3.1-mm images of the Sun showed striking similarities to the more easily obtained optical images made using the Hα emission line (656.3 nm). This discovery will help us to better interpret Hα images in the future and further explore the layers of our Sun.

Next, Loren Matilsky (University of Colorado) presented the results of some heavy computer lifting. Since we can’t dive into the Sun and measure its magnetic fields, he reasonably points out, we have to make do with the next best thing: detailed computational models. Matilsky and his advisor Juri Toomre ran a massively parallel, fully 3D computer simulation of the Sun’s magnetic field evolution to understand what’s going on beneath the Sun’s surface and how that might drive the observed 11-year solar cycle. They found that a magnetic dynamo is generated to the north and south of the equator, migrates toward the equator, and is then reset — following the same pattern that we observe in sunspots. But in addition to this expected churning, Matilsky and Toomre found odder behavior: a wreath of magnetic field wandered back and forth between hemispheres, occasionally reversing polarity on a much longer cycle than the normal 11-year solar cycle. Is this a fluke of the simulation, or could this actually be representative of the behavior of magnetic fields beneath the Sun’s surface? Matilsky and Toomre aren’t sure yet, but they do note that the timing and behavior of this wandering dynamo is consistent with past observations that sometimes show heavier clustering of sunspots in one hemisphere for a while, and then in the other. Press release


Model of the structure of a buckyball. [Mstroek]

Moving away from our star and into the galaxy, Jacob Bernal (University of Arizona) next presented laboratory astrophysics results related to everyone’s favorite molecule, Buckminsterfullerene (C60) — buckyballs, for short. Though this complex molecule — which consists of 60 carbon atoms arranged into a soccer-ball shape — has been discovered in a variety of environments throughout the universe, we’re still not quite sure how it forms. The ordered assembly of 60 atoms in the harsh environment of space is quite a feat! Bernal and collaborators propose that the key is to shock-heat a silicon carbide grain and then bombard it with ions — a process that could occur naturally around a star that is evolving off of the asymptotic giant branch. The team tested their theory by attempting to reproduce this process in the laboratory, with great success: they were able to create quasi-spherical carbon nanostructures that could subsequently evolve into buckyballs within this picture.


Can you spot the differences between the observations of the stellar stream GD-1 (top) and an unperturbed model (bottom)? Something massive appears to have passed through this stream, generating the gap and the small spur of stars.

The last speaker of the conference took us even further away, to the outskirts of the galaxy. There, stellar streams orbit within the Milky Way’s halo — and Ana Bonaca (Center for Astrophysics) and collaborators think these streams might reveal clues about the nature of dark matter. Stellar streams are thought to be created when stellar clusters in our halo are disrupted, drawing out long tails of stars that then orbit the Milky Way. The longer the tail, the longer the stream has likely been in existence. Bonaca reported on a study of one particular long stream of stars, GD-1, which she and collaborators analyzed in detail using data from PanSTARRS and Gaia. The team found that, upon closer inspection, the stream isn’t the smooth, continuous line of stars it appears to be. Instead, it has been perturbed: there are gaps and a small spur of stars mid-stream. Based on the team’s models, the most likely perturber was a compact object of around 5 million solar masses — yet such a perturber is nowhere to be seen. Could this perturber be a contributor to dark matter? Bonaca and collaborators plan to examine more streams to see if GD-1 is a fluke or a sign of more to come. If other streams show similar perturbations, we may be able to use these tracers to home in on dark matter models and explain where the invisible 90% of our galaxy is hiding.

Plenary Talk: Sexual Harassment – Changing the System (by Susanna Kohler)

In a replacement talk for the planned plenary — which Betsy Mills was unfortunately unable to give today — AAS Vice President Joan Schmelz (Universities Space Research Association) provided insightful and much-needed insights into how we can help change the system that allows sexual harassment to occur in astronomy.

In the wake of three very public sexual harassment cases in the field, Schmelz wondered what could be done to shift the burden from the vulnerable to the powerful members of the astronomy community. Since then, she has worked in her role as the former chair of the Committee for the Status of Women in Astronomy to identify ways we can shift the culture of the field.

advocacy axis

Each of us falls somewhere on the advocacy axis. We can start by trying to do one step better.

Schmelz has since delivered talks at numerous institutions discussing ways that bystanders can move toward becoming allies and advocates. Her first recommendation is simple: each of us can start by moving one step up in the advocacy axis (see her slide at right). That means that if we’ve been the person telling sexist jokes, we should stop doing that. If we’ve been the person laughing at the jokes, we should stop laughing. If we’ve been a silent bystander before, next time we should speak up. Simple words such as “I disagree,” can shut down offensive conversation effectively. And, as with anything, practice makes perfect! Speaking up may not be easy at first, but it becomes easier with practice.

Schmelz addressed actions that can be taken at increasingly higher levels of leadership within an institution to change the culture around sexual harassment in the field. One interesting point she brought up is that faculty at many universities are mandatory reporters: they are legally required to (non-anonymously!) report cases of sexual harassment to the Title IX office or another campus authority. The Title IX office isn’t there to protect you, it’s there to protect the university, Schmelz points out. She argues that departments need to clearly present information like who is a mandatory reporter, and where targets of harassment can go on campus to receive guidance while keeping their identity anonymous.

reasons don't report

Just a few of the many reasons why targets of harassment may not file a report.

The final topic Schmelz addressed is that of serial harassers. Targets of harassment are often — understandably — unwilling to report, fearing a he-said, she-said scenario. But what if it’s he-said, she-said, she-said, she-said? In the fluid environment of academia where people frequently move between institutions, the target of a serial harasser may have no idea that their experience wasn’t unique. An information escrow addresses this problem.

In an information escrow, an individual can file a report that will remain confidential unless and until a second report is filed against the same harasser. At that time, both filers are notified and can make the decision of how to proceed — whether they wish to have contact with one another, file a Title IX complaint, wait for a third case, or pursue another course of action. Schmelz pointed out that such an information escrow would be most effective if managed by the astronomy community as a whole, so that records remain intact as individuals move between institutions. She welcomed the community to take collective action to make such an escrow happen.

It’s clear that the astronomy community as a whole benefits when everyone is able to work to the best of their potential in a positive department climate. So why wouldn’t we all come together to change the system? It’s time that we each do our part.

Town Hall: The National Academies of Sciences: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey: 2020 (by Susanna Kohler)

They promised that we’d have town halls as part of Astro 2020, and here we are! The Astro 2020 Decadal Survey is a process during which the astronomy community assesses the current state of the profession and makes recommendations for what missions and projects should be prioritized over the coming decade. This evening Robert Kennicutt, co-chair of the Astro 2020 survey committee, presented an update on the current state of the survey.


The Astro2020 Decadal Survey is underway. [National Academies]

In a quick overview, Kennicutt reminded us of what the committee has been tasked to do. Notably, in addition to apprising stakeholders of the state of the field and making recommendations, the survey committee must also temper their recommendations with what Kennicutt called “what-if” scenarios — i.e., they should develop contingency recommendations for cases where a proposed mission runs over budget or behind the proposed timeline.

Where are we currently in the process? White papers have been solicited from the community, the survey committee has been selected, and the committee is currently building topical panels to review white papers and advise the survey committee. Panel deliberations will be conducted in late 2019, and survey-committee deliberations and report-writing will occur in spring and summer 2020.

We’re early in the game yet, but so far it looks like community involvement is high! As an example, the number of received science white papers is up by ~75% compared to the previous decadal survey, reports Kennicutt. The call for Activities, Projects, or State of the Profession Consideration white papers will be open for another month, and after that time the community can look for a few more town halls — including one at the winter AAS meeting in Honolulu, HI — as a means of keeping up to date with Astro 2020.

young planetary system

Editor’s Note: This week we’re at the 234th AAS Meeting in St. Louis, MO. Astrobites and AAS Nova will be working together to publish updates on selected events at the meeting this week; the usual posting schedule for AAS Nova will resume next week.

Kavli Foundation Lecture: Key Outstanding Questions in Galaxy Formation and How to Answer Them (by Kerry Hensley)

Dr. Alice Shapley (UCLA) kicked off the 234th meeting of the AAS with a discussion of some big open questions in galaxy formation and how we can work toward answering them. The biggest overarching question in the study of galaxy evolution is how the tiny density fluctuations in the early universe, long before galaxies formed and the first stars began to shine, resulted in the incredible diversity of galaxies we see in the universe today. She broke that question down into six smaller questions:

  1. What physical processes drive the formation of stars in individual galaxies?
  2. Why do galaxies today seem to fall into one of two categories: blue star-forming disks and “red and dead” spheroids?
  3. How does matter assemble to form galaxies? Is it mostly in situ star formation or does a lot of the material and structure come from galaxy mergers?
  4. Why is galaxy formation so inefficient?
  5. How do galaxies exchange chemically enriched material with the intergalactic medium?
  6. How do galactic stellar populations and central black holes co-evolve?
Observational approaches to galaxy evolution

An (extremely blurry) example of how we can piece together a picture of how a single galaxy has evolved by observing similar galaxies at different points in cosmic time.

Dr. Shapley focused on galaxies with redshift between 1.5 and 3.5, since there was a lot going on in this time period: between a redshift of 2 and 3 was cosmic “high noon,” when the star-formation rate was at its maximum, and, coincidentally, the central black hole accretion rate was at a maximum as well. Observations show that galaxies at z~2 have more than an order of magnitude more star formation than galaxies today, are smaller (for a given mass), and have lots of gas inflows and outflows.

In order to study galaxies at these redshifts, Dr. Shapley uses optical spectroscopy. We can learn a lot from spectral lines: measuring the dust extinction, instantaneous star-forming rate, abundance of oxygen and other “metals”, and electron density, as well as determining whether the dominant ionization source is an active galactic nucleus or high-mass stars, and what kind of outflows are happening.

Of particular importance is the abundance of oxygen. If we measure the oxygen abundance in galaxies over the course of cosmic history, we can understand how galaxies become chemically enriched through stellar evolution and inflows, and chemically depleted through outflows.

Want to learn more about Dr. Shapley and her work? Check out her interview with Mia de los Reyes here!

Press Conference: Exoplanets, Flare Stars, and a Crab (by Susanna Kohler)

The first press conference of AAS 234 was a fun hodgepodge of topics, from exciting planet detections and updates on habitability to intriguing news about Sun-like stars.

In the first presentation, Lisa Prato (Lowell Observatory) and Christopher Johns-Krull (Rice University) jointly presented on the direct detection of CI Tau b, the youngest hot Jupiter to ever be observed directly. Hot Jupiters — gas-giant planets that orbit extremely close to their host stars — pose a particular challenge to detection: because they are so near to their stars, it’s quite difficult to separate the planet’s signal from its host’s, which is often hundreds of times brighter. But by combining 4 years of near-infrared spectroscopic observations of the CI Tau system, Johns-Krull, Prato, and collaborators were able to disentangle the carbon monoxide spectral lines of the planet CI Tau b from it’s star’s lines. This success is remarkable in such a young system; CI Tau is only around 2 million years old, and the star is still surrounded by the circumstellar disk of dust from which its planets formed. The system’s young age means that these observations of CI Tau b can provide unique constraints on models of how hot Jupiters like this one form — a long-standing question in exoplanet studies. Press release

habitable zone for complex life

Plot showing the narrowing of the habitable zone as a result of Schwieterman and collaborators’ work. The shaded region is the traditional habitable zone; blue indicates the part of this region that could support complex life. Click to enlarge. [Schwieterman et al. 2019]

Next up, Edward Schwieterman (University of California, Riverside) shared details of his team’s recent work, which may put a damper on the hopes of extraterrestrial-life enthusiasts. A star’s habitable zone is typically defined as the range of distances from a star within which a hypothetical planet could maintain liquid water on its surface. But Schwieterman argues that this definition is too broad when looking for regions that could support complex life, like animals and humans. Schwieterman and collaborators use climate models to show that the habitable zone for complex life is much narrower. In particular, outer-habitable-zone planets are out, because the levels of carbon dioxide needed to keep these planets from freezing would be toxic to complex life. Furthermore, Earth-like planets orbiting within the habitable zone of M-dwarf stars would accumulate toxic levels of carbon monoxide due to the intensity of ultraviolet radiation from their hosts. While the narrowing of the habitable zone in this study may seem disappointing, it has the benefit of helping us understand where best to focus future search efforts for intelligent extraterrestrial life. Press release


Artist’s depiction of a planet orbiting a flaring star. [NASA, ESA and D. Player]

Could our Sun — and stars like it — be a little less boring than we once thought? Rounding out the session, Yuta Notsu (Kyoto University & University of Colorado) informed us that we might need to keep an eye on our nearby star in the future. Notsu and collaborators have challenged the assumption that superflares — enormous releases of energy that can be hundreds to tens of thousands of times more powerful than the ordinary flares we see from our Sun — typically only occur on young, rapidly rotating stars. Four years of Kepler data show evidence for superflares on hundreds of solar-type stars. Notsu and collaborators have now followed up this surprising result with spectroscopic and astrometric observations to determine whether these stars are truly Sun-like, or whether they might actually be giant stars or quick rotators. The result? The sample does, indeed, include true Sun-like stars, which demonstrates that the Sun and Sun-like stars are also capable of tremendous releases of energy. No need to panic — a superflare from the Sun is unlikely to harm life on Earth. But we may want to think about taking some extra steps to make sure our ground- and space-based electronics are protected, Notsu cautions. Press release

Helen B. Warner Prize Lecture: Hunting for Dark Matter in the Early Universe (by Kerry Hensley)

Dr. Yacine Ali-Haïmoud (New York University) began his talk with an overview of dark matter. Dark matter doesn’t seem to emit, scatter, or absorb light, but does interact with luminous (aka “normal”) matter gravitationally. Dark matter clumps together and forms the filamentary structure along which galaxies form. Astronomers infer the presence of dark matter in our observations of large-scale structures like galaxy clusters as well as small-scale structures like dwarf galaxies, and it turns out there’s a lot of it — it’s more than five times more common than normal matter.

But what is dark matter? Well, that’s the million-dollar question! Dr. Ali-Haïmoud outlined a few options:

  • A new kind of particle. We’ve already discovered a whole host of particles, but there’s plenty of parameter space left unexplored. If it turns out that dark matter isn’t completely “dark” — that is, that it interacts very, very weakly with photons — there’s a chance that we could detect it with any of the many ongoing or planned experiments like CDMS, EDELWEISS, or ZEPLIN.
  • Macroscopic objects that are hard to detect. The frontrunners here are primordial black holes, which are thought to form within microseconds of the Big Bang when dense patches of the universe collapse directly into black holes.
  • A combination of the two. There’s no reason that the “missing matter” has to come from just one source!
  • Not a physical object at all. Instead, dark matter could be a modification of the laws of gravity that only shows up under certain conditions.
CMB from Planck

A map of the anisotropies (temperature fluctuations) in the CMB from Planck.

We can try to figure out what dark matter is made of by studying the very early universe through observations of tiny temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The CMB radiation almost perfectly matches that of a blackbody with a temperature of 2.73 K, but it has tiny fluctuations — called anisotropies — smaller than one part in 10,000.

These anisotropies are sensitive to the nature of dark matter. For example, if dark matter is made up of primordial black holes, the photons generated when matter falling into those black holes heats up (similar to the emission we see from active galactic nuclei) could ionize the surrounding hydrogen, which would have an effect on the ionization history of the universe. This change would be imprinted upon the anisotropies in the CMB.

The power spectrum of the CMB is very sensitive to the ionization history of hydrogen and helium. This figure shows how the power spectrum changes if you add in a little extra ionization in the past.

Observations of the CMB indicate that primordial black holes can’t be the only source for dark matter if they have masses greater than 100 solar masses. The potential range of primordial black hole masses is huge, though — anywhere from 10-16 to 1010 solar masses. Twenty-six orders of magnitude! As far as our prospects of detecting these primordial black holes go, we have a chance of spotting them with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) if they form in the correct mass range (a few to a few hundred solar masses) and form binaries. It’s still not clear whether or not these binaries, which would have formed very early in the universe’s history, would be able to survive the formation of large-scale structure in the universe. Clearly, there are lots of interesting questions left to be answered in our search for dark matter!

Learn more about Dr. Ali-Haïmoud in his interview with Kate Storey-Fisher here.

Press Conference: What’s New Under the Sun (by Susanna Kohler)

Though it’s been studied for centuries, our nearest star still poses a number of unsolved mysteries. This afternoon’s press conference introduced us to recent work addressing just a few of the open questions about the Sun.

Think the best images of our star all come from well-established, orbiting space telescopes? Think again! The High resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) is a telescope that was briefly launched to sub-orbital space on a sounding rocket; on each flight, it captured only a few minutes of observations of an active region of the Sun before returning to the ground. In that brief time, however, Hi-C took images with spectacular spatial and temporal resolution; just look at the video below (originally published on the Hi-C website) for a comparison of data from the orbiting Solar Dynamics Observatory AIA instrument to Hi-C observations!

In the first presentation of this press conference, Sanjiv Tiwari (Lockheed Martin Solar & Astrophysics Laboratory) presented discoveries made from data gathered during Hi-C’s second launch, just last year. The imager’s high-resolution observations revealed several different types of energy release — dot-like, loop-like, and jet-like brightenings — occurring on very small scales (perhaps a tenth of the diameter of Earth) within the core of an active region on the Sun. These energy releases appear to occur in the lower solar atmosphere in response to changes in the magnetic field on the Sun’s surface.

coronal bright points

The small bright spots in this SDO image of the Sun represent coronal bright points, short-lived analogs of active regions. [NASA/SDO]

The connection between magnetic-field evolution and solar activity is evident, but understanding just how this process works is difficult. One particular challenge is that our observations are often incomplete: due to the Sun’s rotation, we can only capture about 8 days of data before an active region rotates out of view for the next 20 days. Since the lifetimes of these regions may be weeks to months, this means we’re only seeing bits and pieces of the story as we attempt to study magnetic-field evolution and connect it to the activity seen in the solar corona.
Karin Muglach (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) and collaborators have found a potential solution to this problem: instead of trying to learn directly from large active regions, they propose studying their smaller-scale analogs, coronal bright points. The small size of these regions means that their lifetimes are correspondingly shorter — which allows us to observe them continuously from birth to death. When Muglach and collaborators watched four coronal bright points using imaging and magnetic-field monitoring from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, they found that the bright points appeared in the corona as bipolar magnetic flux emerged in the solar photosphere. The cancellation of that magnetic flux was related to eruptive events — jets — in the corona, immediately after which the intensity of the bright points faded.

Can we make any predictions about solar activity? According to Alexander G. Kosovichev (New Jersey Institute of Technology), the answer is yes. Kosovichev reported on how helioseismology — the study of oscillations on the Sun’s surface — has given us clues as to the origin of the 11-year solar activity cycle. By using helioseismology to map zonal flows in the Sun, Kosovichev and collaborators found that hydromagnetic waves are generated at the bottom of the solar convection zone (that’s 120,000 miles below the Sun’s surface) and at about 60° latitude. These waves slowly travel to the surface and toward the Sun’s equator, eventually regulating the appearance of sunspots — but they are slowed by magnetic fields. This connection, Kosovichev argues, allows us to use observations of polar magnetic field strength to predict the strength of the next solar maximum. Based on the currently observed polar magnetic fields, Kosovichev and collaborators expect that the next solar maximum will be even weaker than the solar maximum of our current solar activity cycle.

The benefits of helioseismology as a tool for studying the Sun are clear, but the data products of this study can be difficult to intuitively understand. A new tool called Sonification of Solar Harmonics (SoSH, for short) is now helping to make helioseismology a little more accessible. The Sun’s surface oscillates because plasma flows excite sound waves that then bounce around the Sun’s interior; the star is effectively a giant resonant cavity for low-frequency sound waves. In helioseismology, we measure these waves to learn about the solar interior, but we don’t actually listen to the sound waves themselves … that is, until now. Solar physicist Timothy Larson (Moberly Area Community College) worked with composer collaborators to develop the SoSH project, in which helioseismology data is filtered and frequency-shifted into a hearable range. So far, SoSH has sonified two full solar cycles of data from two instruments (MDI and HMI on the Solar Dynamics Observatory), and these sonifications are publicly available so that everyone can listen to the surface of the Sun sing. More information and sample sonifications are located here.


Examples of different oscillation modes on the Sun’s surface. [SoSH]

George Ellery Hale Prize Lecture: Observations about Observations of the Sun (by Kerry Hensley)

Solar observations from WSO

WSO has amassed an amazing amount of data over the past 44 years!

Dr. Philip Scherrer (Stanford University) gave a broad overview of advances in solar physics over the past four decades through the eyes of three observatories: the Wilcox Solar Observatory, ESA/NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, and NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory. Those three observatories have contributed to thousands of research papers with more than 4,600 unique authors and 40 PhD theses!

The Wilcox Solar Observatory (WSO), a ground-based solar telescope, has been observing the Sun since 1975. The WSO is responsible for the longest-running set of measurements of the Sun’s mean magnetic field as well as low-resolution magnetograms, both of which are used to study and predict the solar activity cycle. WSO has been observing the Sun for four full sunspot cycles! (Or two 22-year magnetic cycles. Your choice.)

MDI science

A list of all the cool science MDI was designed to do.

Next came the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), which was launched in 1995. While SOHO is still alive and well, the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI), which was used to make measurements of the Sun’s magnetic field, hasn’t been used for science since 2011. SOHO/MDI brought about huge advances in the field of helioseismology — a method of studying the interior of the Sun through observations of waves on its surface — including allowing scientists to “look” through the Sun to “see” sunspots on the other side!

Comparison of observations by WSO, MDI (SOHO), and HMI (SDO).

Finally, Dr. Scherrer showed some fantastic data and videos from Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), which was launched in 2010 and is still happily taking data from its vantage point in Earth orbit. One of SDO’s three instruments is the Heliospheric and Magnetic Imager (HMI), which makes measurements of the magnetic field of the Sun’s disk all at once. SDO has helped us better understand the large-scale motions of material within the Sun.

Throughout the talk, Dr. Scherrer shared some of his advice and lessons learned from his career. He shared his story of retracting a Nature paper claiming the discovery of the ever-elusive solar g-mode oscillations, which highlighted the importance of open discussion with collaborators and others, not rushing to publish science you aren’t confident in, and — perhaps most importantly — being mindful of your systematic errors!

Want to know more? Read his interview with Briley Lewis here.

This week, AAS Nova and astrobites are attending the American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting in St. Louis, MO!

We had a great time at the undergrad reception this evening chatting with all the awesome students who came out for the event. Thanks to all of you for joining us; we hope to see you around at the rest of the meeting!

astrobites swag

Need some astrobites swag? Come stop by the AAS booth at #AAS234!

If you’re at the meeting and missed us at the undergrad reception, please stop by and visit this week. You can find us at the AAS booth in the exhibit hall — we’ve got stickers and brand new astrobites pins (you asked and we delivered!), so swing by to pick up some swag and say hi.

For anyone who’s missing the meeting, or for those attending who can’t make all the sessions you want to: Astrobites and AAS Nova will be reporting highlights from each day. Note that we’re a little understaffed at this meeting, so we won’t be able to capture as many sessions as we usually do — but we’ll do our best to bring you brief summaries of most of the keynote talks and the press conferences. You can follow along here on aasnova.org this week, and we’ll repost the summaries on astrobites.org when the site is back online (we’re working on that!).

Lastly, if you’re interested in reading up on some of the keynote speakers before their talks at the meeting, be sure to check out the interviews conducted by astrobites authors, linked below! This is a great opportunity to learn more about these prominent astrophysicists and the path they took to where they are today.

Meet the AAS 234 Keynote Speakers: Joshua Winn and Elisabeth Mills
Meet the AAS 234 Keynote Speakers: James Head III and Xander Tielens
Meet the AAS 234 Keynote Speakers: Yacine Ali-Haïmoud and Anthony Yeates
Meet the AAS 234 Keynote Speakers: Alice Shapley

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