Surprise Discovery of an X-Ray Jet
The recent discovery of a distant X-ray jet has interesting implications for our understanding of how these jets, powered by the enormous black holes at the centers of galaxies, emit light.
The recent discovery of a distant X-ray jet has interesting implications for our understanding of how these jets, powered by the enormous black holes at the centers of galaxies, emit light.
The Friends of Hot Jupiters survey has discovered that many more hot Jupiters may have companions than we originally believed.
Want to see some of the fantastic creativity and problem-solving skills exhibited by AAS members? Check out these outcomes from the “Hack Day” hosted at the winter AAS meeting.
Four stars, recently identified as possibly belonging to the Ophiuchus stellar stream orbiting our galaxy, may help explain the stream’s mysterious past.
The unexpected behavior of some Kuiper belt objects could be explained by the presence of a distant, planet-sized object yet undetected in our solar system.
We now have a spectacular new view of the very faint spiral galaxy Malin 1, located roughly 1.2 billion light-years away.
Recent observations of TW Hydrae, a star just 176 light-years away, have confirmed the existence of a gap within the disk surrounding it. Could this be a sign of an orbiting planet?
WorldWide Telescope has moved to the AAS! Read on to find out how you can use WWT for research, education, and fun.
Can we detect the distant ancestors of local dwarf galaxies? A recent study aims to find out.
Reporting from the fourth day at the 227th AAS Meeting in Kissimmee, FL. Follow along for the latest updates!
Reporting from the third day at the 227th AAS Meeting in Kissimmee, FL. Follow along for the latest updates!
Reporting from the second day at the 227th AAS Meeting in Kissimmee, FL. Follow along for the latest updates!