Galactic Teamwork Makes Distant Bubbles
What generated the radiation that reionized our universe? The recent discovery of multiple distant galaxies offers evidence for how this process occurred.
What generated the radiation that reionized our universe? The recent discovery of multiple distant galaxies offers evidence for how this process occurred.
What if Type Ia supernovae aren’t as consistent as we thought? A recent study investigates the dependence of these “standard candles” on the metallicity of their environment.
A pair of red-giant twins may be a key to weighing stars using starquakes in their interiors.
A recent study shows that WD 1145+017, a white dwarf surrounded by disintegrating planetary bodies, has evolved dramatically since its discovery last year.
Big news: LIGO has detected its first gravitational-wave signal! What does this mean for black-hole astrophysics?
If LIGO finds gravitational waves, could JWST be used in the future to follow up on detections of some compact-object mergers?
Images of two powerful solar prominence eruptions have helped astronomers model how these eruptions travel away from the Sun.
Is the planet Kepler-454b rocky, like a large Earth? Or gaseous, like a small Neptune? A recent study finds out.
The Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has received an upgrade that increased its sensitivity by a whopping 40% — and nobody had to travel to space to make it happen.
Cassini data spanning a decade show how Titan’s surface temperatures evolve as its seasons change.
The recent discovery of a distant X-ray jet has interesting implications for our understanding of how these jets, powered by the enormous black holes at the centers of galaxies, emit light.
The Friends of Hot Jupiters survey has discovered that many more hot Jupiters may have companions than we originally believed.