the MACE telescope

An aMACEing Set of Radio Galaxy Flares

Astrobites reports on two mysterious flares detected from a radio galaxy by the brand new MACE gamma-ray telescope.

galaxies containing green seeds

An exploration of galaxies during our universe’s star-formation heyday reveals a population of bright, compact regions called green seeds.

circumstellar disk

What happens when a young star captures some extra gas and dust? New observations of a dusty disk reveals how a late-stage infall event may be influencing planet formation in AB Aurigae.

Illustration of stellar-mass black holes embedded within the accretion disk of a supermassive black hole

Gravitational-wave detectors have spotted dozens of merging black hole pairs. New research explores whether any of these collisions could have happened in the disk around an accreting supermassive black hole.


Astrobites reports on a study that shows that hot stars seem to host fewer small planets than their cooler stellar cousins.

Andromeda Galaxy in X-rays

What has the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way’s galactic neighbor been up to? The Chandra X-ray Observatory provides all the details.

When mapping energetic atoms from the edge of our solar system, the Interstellar Boundary Explorer discovered an unexpected ribbon-like feature that researchers are still working to understand.

close-up of the center of the active galaxy Centaurus A

Them’s the (Balmer) Breaks

Astrobites reports on what might be powering the strange, puzzling young galaxies known as little red dots.