V1298 Tau is the youngest known planetary system containing multiple exoplanets. What can simulations tell us about how this system likely formed?

This animation (not to scale) shows the resonances exhibited by three of Jupiter’s moons. Alignments between the moons are highlighted by color changes. [Wikipedia]
Chasing Young Planetary Chains
One of the many enduring mysteries in the study of planetary systems is how they form. Some theories suggest that the movement of young planets within a protoplanetary disk causes the planets to form resonant chains — a setup in which the planets’ orbital periods are integer multiples of each other. Jupiter’s moons Ganymede, Europa, and Io are an example of this arrangement; the orbital periods of Europa and Ganymede are two and four times as long, respectively, as Io’s orbital period.
However, observations show that less than 1% of mature planetary systems are arranged in resonant chains. To understand whether planets make and then break resonant chains — or whether these chains form at all — we need to study young (<100 million years old) systems with three or more planets, only two of which are currently known.
Seeking Stability
At just 23 million years old, V1298 Tau hosts the youngest multi-planet system discovered so far. Given the orbital periods of the four known planets in the system — roughly 8, 12, 24, and 50 days — some researchers have suggested that the planets in this system are arranged in a resonant chain. To test this theory, a team of astronomers led by Roberto Tejada Arevalo (Princeton University) incorporated new estimates of the planets’ masses into a dynamical model to test the stability of the current arrangement and probe the true orbital properties of the system.

Distributions of stable (black) and unstable (red) resonant configurations for different samples of orbital elongation or eccentricity, e, and the ratio of total planetary mass to stellar mass, μ. Click to enlarge. [Adapted from Tejada Arevalo et al. 2022]
Finding a Solution that Resonates
What do these results imply about the possible creation — and subsequent breaking — of resonant chains in young planetary systems? The V1298 Tau system’s lack of a resonant chain arrangement implies that either the planets were never in that configuration or the breaking of the chain occurred early in the system’s formation. The dissipation of a protoplanetary disk, which tends to occur after just a few million years, may provide a natural way for resonant chains to become unstable. The team’s analysis suggests that the system’s nearly resonant configuration is consistent with a chain-breaking instability early in the system’s history.

TESS observing footprint (gray) and target stars (blue) for the Cluster Difference Imaging Photometric Survey — a search for young exoplanets that might uncover resonant chains. Click to enlarge. [Bouma et al. 2019]
“Stability Constrained Characterization of the 23 Myr Old V1298 Tau System: Do Young Planets Form in Mean Motion Resonance Chains?,” Roberto Tejada Arevalo et al 2022 ApJL 932 L12. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ac70e0