Plotting the Course, a Billion Miles Away
NASA is going to send a robot to Uranus someday. When it gets there, how close should it fly to the surface?
NASA is going to send a robot to Uranus someday. When it gets there, how close should it fly to the surface?
The venerable Hubble Space Telescope recently revisited the famous Ultra-Deep Field. How has this patch of sky changed since it was first photographed?
Astrobites reports on the aftermath of a massive active galactic nucleus outburst that left behind a string of star formation.
Cygnus X-1 recently made the long-awaited switch between hard and soft spectral states. What can IXPE observations tell us about this transition?
New surveys with the world’s largest filled-aperture radio dish are turning up more and more millisecond pulsars. What do these surveys tell us about the best places to look for these extreme objects?
The Hubble tension is one of the most pressing problems in cosmology. Today, we’re looking at five articles that address the Hubble tension — either suggesting ways to alleviate it or staunchly reinforcing its existence.
Astrobites reports on the fast blue optical transient AT2018cow, which has remained a mystery to astronomers since it was discovered.
New JWST images reveal the dusty, windswept envelopes surrounding five young protostars.
Models suggest that black holes that weigh less than 5x the mass of the Sun shouldn’t exist. Those models will have to be revisited now that scientists have discovered a featherweight black hole that collided with a neutron star.
A new method for modeling turbulent magnetic fields — important for everything from accretion disks to the solar wind — yields realistic fields while also keeping computational costs low.
Astrobites reports on the likelihood of exoplanetary systems having both small, close-in planets and large, far-out gas giant planets.
Supernova hunters have been busy: SN 2024ggi is the second nearby supernova in less than a year. What do archival observations tell us about this supernova’s progenitor star?