Artist's impression of the view from one of the planets orbiting Barnard's Star

Following decades of disproven claims, four small exoplanets have been confirmed to orbit Barnard’s Star, the second-closest star system to Earth after Alpha Centauri.

JWST image of the Flame Nebula, NGC 2024

When a gas cloud collapses to form a star cluster, how many objects form, and what are their masses? Research published today provides answers about the low-mass end of the star and brown dwarf formation process.

black hole

Recent JWST observations have stirred up concerns about over-massive black holes in the early universe. A new study allays these concerns while showing that over-massive black holes are just scratching the surface of the full black hole population.

spiral galaxy NGC 1672

Astrobites reports on the star-forming histories of early galaxies and galaxies that form their stars in bursts interspersed with lulls.

logo of the American Astronomical Society

Are you considering submitting a paper to an AAS journal? There’s a new tool available now to help you prepare your manuscript.

AT 2019abn in Messier 51

What caused this strange red transient that’s too bright to be a nova and too faint to be a typical supernova?

illustration of white dwarfs approaching a merger

A newly investigated ultra-massive white dwarf may provide the best opportunity to study the interior of a white dwarf through its pulsations.


Echoes of a Tidal Disruption Event

New research investigates the infrared echo from a star being ripped apart in a dusty accretion disk around a supermassive black hole.