With the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory nearing the 20th anniversary of its launch, astronomers have demonstrated a new way to use the seasoned telescope. The technique, which involves rapidly slewing to the location of a gravitational wave signal, could open a window onto the critical first minutes after a neutron-star merger.
When Gravitational Waves and Radiation Meet

The “chirp” signal of the neutron-star merger GW170817, as seen by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory in Livingston, Louisiana. [Caltech/MIT/LIGO Laboratory]
As fortuitous as this detection was, Fermi and INTEGRAL lacked the localization ability needed to pinpoint the burst’s position. The delay in localization cost astronomers precious time, and it wasn’t until another 12 hours had passed that optical and ultraviolet emission from the collision was identified — wavelengths that are critical to collect as soon as possible to understand the physics of the merger and the cascade of element formation that follows. Is there a way to find a neutron-star merger faster?
Swift Follow-Up
In a recent article, Aaron Tohuvavohu (University of Toronto; California Institute of Technology) and collaborators showed how we can rapidly locate neutron-star mergers on the sky with an existing tool: the 20-year-old Swift Observatory. Gamma rays, which are produced just seconds after a neutron-star collision, are ideal for quickly spotting the radiation from a merger — and Swift has the most sensitive gamma-ray detector currently in operation. Once a gamma-ray source falls within Swift’s field of view, which spans 17% of the sky, the telescope has the ability to localize the source to within 1–3 arcminutes, giving follow-up telescopes sensitive to other wavelengths a small area to search. But unlike all-sky gamma-ray telescopes, Swift can’t look everywhere at once, raising the question of how to get the telescope to point toward the right place at the right time.

Demonstration of how the localization of a gravitational wave signal evolves as the time to merger decreases. Click to enlarge. [Tohuvavohu et al. 2024]
Doubling the Odds
After being alerted to an imminent neutron-star merger, should Swift immediately race to the likeliest location, or should it wait to get a better idea of where the event is happening? Given the time required to wend toward the signal’s origin, curving to avoid forbidden zones too close to Earth or the Sun, Tohuvavohu’s team finds that it’s best for Swift to act on the earliest possible knowledge of where the merger is likely to happen, even though later maps are more accurate.

Fraction of gravitational wave events encompassed by the Swift Burst Alert Telescope field of view as a function of the notice given in advance of the merger. [Adapted from Tohuvavohu et al. 2024]
Future, more sensitive gravitational wave observatories will be able to detect the faint hum of spiraling neutron stars even longer before impact, helping Swift get into position more frequently. In the meantime, Tohuvavohu and coauthors recommend working to improve the speed at which notice of an impending neutron-star merger can be transmitted to Swift.
“Swiftly Chasing Gravitational Waves Across the Sky in Real Time,” Aaron Tohuvavohu et al 2024 ApJL 975 L19. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ad87ce