Editor’s Note: This week we’re at the 228th AAS Meeting in San Diego, CA. Along with a team of authors from astrobites.com, I will be writing updates on selected events at the meeting and posting twice each day. Follow along here or at astrobites.com, or catch our live-tweeted updates from the @astrobites Twitter account. The usual posting schedule for AAS Nova will resume next week.
What’s your first go-to source for an unfamiliar topic on the internet? If you said Wikipedia, you’re not alone. For many people, Wikipedia is the primary source of information about astronomy and science. However, many Wikipedia articles about science topics are incomplete or missing, and women are underrepresented among scientists with biographies.
To address this, the AAS Astronomy Education Board teamed up with the Wiki Education Foundation to host an edit-a-thon as part of the Wikipedia Year of Science. More than forty attendees spent the better part of three hours working through tutorials, creating new articles, and editing existing ones. The session was generously sponsored by the Simons Foundation.
The Year of Science initiative seeks to bring Wikipedia editing skills to the classroom and help new editors find sustainable ways to contribute to Wikipedia in the long term. Anybody can create a free account and start editing!
As a first-time Wikipedia contributor, I took the time to go through nearly all the tutorial exercises and familiarize myself with the process of editing a page. I decided to flesh out one section in an existing page about asteroseismology. Others created biography pages from scratch or selected various astronomical topics to write about. To me, the editing process felt like a cross between writing a blog post and a journal article, in a hack day type environment. Working through the tutorial and some examples renewed my empathy for learners who are tackling a new skill set for the first time. A full summary of our contributions is available. Altogether, we contributed nearly 13,000 words to 44 articles.
#aas228 @WikiEducation pic.twitter.com/Xj837wjuDJ
— AAS Executive Office (@AAS_Office) June 15, 2016
The Limits of Scientific Cosmology: The Way Forward (by Gourav Khullar)
After the town-hall with an open mic that raised exceptional questions in the morning, some of the pioneers of the field of scientific cosmology were here with their concluding remarks about the future of the field. John Carlstrom laid down the pipeline for future surveys that not only provide us with interesting constraints on current physics, but give us the opportunity to test new physics. He discussed the CMB, galaxy cluster growth, the Hubble constant and Baryonic Acoustic oscillations as parameters that would define our model of the universe cohesively in the future. The importance of facilities like LSST, SKA, DESI, CMB-S4 were discussed, and Carlstrom emphasized that over the next two decades these fantastic machines will decide the fate of scientific cosmology. Leonard Susskind followed this up with a theoretical framework of how the ideas of inflation and vacuum energy could lead to our understanding of whether String Theory could be the correct theory of the universe.
Love the yellow submarine analogy by Prof. Susskind #aas228 pic.twitter.com/sbPwjgdsg9 — Jesus Salas (@TheSource007) June 15, 2016
Peebles: “expect surprises” and “think outside the box” — yes! #aas228
— Kevin Schawinski (@kevinschawinski) June 15, 2016
This “The Limits of Scientific Cosmology” series at #aas228 has been absolutely fantastic. @AAS_Office please put videos on youtube! — Kevin Schawinski (@kevinschawinski) June 15, 2016
Press Conference: Black Holes and Gamma-Ray Bursts (by Susanna Kohler)
The final press conference of the meeting covered three topics from the categories of black holes and gamma-ray bursts.
Rasio presents a pretty awesome animation of this black hole mosh pit. https://t.co/AkewctI7uK#aas228 — astrobites (@astrobites) June 15, 2016

The effects of a spinning black hole on the spacetime around it. [J.P. Eekels & J.M. Overduin]
Plenary Session: From the First Stars and Galaxies to the Epoch of Reionization: 20 Years of Computational Progress (by Gourav Khullar)
Last plenary talk for today. #aas228pic.twitter.com/uTaWt6Qi00
— Daniel Caton (@DanielCaton) June 15, 2016
Mike has been working in the field for a long time, and his collaborators’ work on the Enzo simulations is very well known. This talk was centered around some of the latest Enzo results, with a special emphasis on tracking down the Epoch of Reionization with a new series of runs called the Renaissance simulations. These runs focused on the most primeval galaxies ever formed in a cosmological box. Mike’s team uses Blue Waters, USA’s fastest supercomputer, situated in NCSA at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois (which also manages the large datasets coming out of the Dark Energy Survey!). The talk described the initial dark matter and gas dynamics along with a dark energy-supported metric evolution using simulations of a cosmic box that was the initial universe. The linear fluctuations of this ‘initial universe’ formed the first stars (called Population III stars in the astrophysics community) from hydrogen and helium generated in the Big Bang. Mike and his team established a catalogue of these first stars, and parameterized these into a function that modeled how these stars became the first galaxies, and eventually into the larger galaxies from the merger of smaller galaxy halos.
Michael Norman shows some new computational simulations of ionization in the early Universe. #aas228pic.twitter.com/pzXPMTgnIs
— Meredith Rawls (@merrdiff) June 15, 2016
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