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Paola Re Fiorentin et al 2021 ApJL 907 L16

Clustering analysis of stars in the local volume of the Milky Way classifies 163 objects into eight kinematical groups, including a new 44-member stream, Icarus: the fast-rotating stream closest to the galactic disk to date.

M. Ajello et al 2021 ApJS 252 13

The first Fermi-Large Area Telescope solar flare catalog, covering the 24th solar cycle, contains 45 Fermi-LAT solar flares with emission in the γ-ray energy band detected between 2010 and 2018.

Feige Wang et al 2021 ApJL 907 L1

The most distant quasar yet discovered, J0313−1806, demonstrates the existence of a supermassive black hole just ~670 million years after the Big Bang, significantly challenging models of black-hole growth.

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