AAS 229: Welcome!

Greetings from the 229th American Astronomical Society meeting in Grapevine, Texas! This week, along with several fellow authors from Astrobites, I will be writing updates on selected events at the meeting and posting at the end of each day. You can follow along here or at astrobites.com, or catch our live-tweeted updates from the @astrobites Twitter account. The usual posting schedule for AAS Nova will resume next week.

If you’re an educator who will be at the meeting and you’d like to learn how to use digests like AAS Nova or Astrobites to bring current astronomical research into your classroom, you can still register on-site for Astrobites’ workshop on the subject, “Introducing Current Research Into Your Classroom“, which will run Wednesday, 12:30–2:00 pm in Appaloosa 1.

Otherwise, we hope to see you around at Grapevine! Drop by and visit AAS, AAS Journals, and Astrobites at our joint booth in the Exhibit Hall (Booth #317) to learn more about AAS’s new publishing endeavors, pick up some Astrobites swag, or grab a badge pin to represent your AAS journals corridor!
